Enforce current laws on immigration

June 19, 2007

By John Walker

Earlier this week, as President George Bush was attempting to marshal support in the second attempt to force an amnesty bill through Congress, he made a statement that would be totally laughable - if it didn't happen to be in regards to such a serious an issue and if it didn't happen to underscore Washington's attitude toward the American people.

Bush and his bed buddies, Ted Kennedy and John McCain, are working to pistol-whip those members of the House and Senate who listened to their constituents and said "no" to the amnesty fiasco that failed 10 days ago.
But like cockroaches, El Tres Amigos keep coming back with something Americans don't want.

On Thursday, the president said part of the "new" bad immigration amnesty bill will be to earmark $4.4 billion for border security - adding, "We're going to show the American people that the promises in this bill will be kept."

None have been kept before, so why should we believe the president - who has an approval rating of 29 percent - or anyone in Congress, which has an even lower approval rating of 23 percent?

Where is the fence that was supposed to be built to help stem the tide of illegal immigrants? The money has been allocated for that .. so why not keep that promise first before making another that you either can't, or won't, keep?

Proponents of the legislation, gloriously title "The Immigration Reform Act of 2007," are quick to tell opponents that it is not amnesty - yet the very first line in the document makes it clear that illegals get "probationary status" before any border security triggers are implemented. Once given this legal status, the bill expressly states that a former illegal alien "may not be considered an unauthorized alien." This is amnesty!

The bill is rife with holes, such as allowing gang members and felons to stay as long as they renounce their activities!

Give me a break! They are here illegally ... they are currently breaking the law ... so why would we (1) allow them to stay or (2) believe their promises?

Let's enforce the laws we have. Let's add the border agents - and let's back them up when they do pursue those who are in our country illegally ... and not crucify them when the Mexican government puts pressure on the president to make an example of them - as was the case of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.

It's shocking to me that there was no investigation against Ramos and Compean and the incident was considered normal - in fact they were being praised because they got 743 pounds of dope - ...until Mexico demanded that George W. Bush be an agent of the Mexican government and prosecute these Border Patrol agents to defend a fleeing Mexican national drug dealer.

It's time for the American government to stand up for Americans ... to send the illegals home and to close the border. We have enough home-grown criminals without importing more from Mexico, even though I know we have a free trade agreement.

Sens. David Vitter and Mary Landrieu both voted against this bad legislation and should be commended ... let's just hope enough senators stand their ground with them to protect America.

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