Foster, Oberweis face off on illegal immigration

Aurora Beacon News (Ill.) : February 26 , 2008 -- by ANDRE SALLES

"Illegal immigration has been a central issue for Oberweis for years, and his position has remained constant. Employers are not and should not be allowed to hire illegal immigrants, he says, and sanctions should be strengthened to deter those who do. Oberweis agrees with Foster that an ID card for immigrant workers is a necessary step, and also wants a database of workers to aid in easy verification."

With less than two weeks to the special election, the 14th Congressional District race is about to sharpen its focus on immigration.

Republican Jim Oberweis criticized his opponent, Democrat Bill Foster, for his ideas on immigration after the two appeared on WBBM's At Issue radio show over the weekend. During the debate, Foster mentioned his idea to tax both illegal immigrants and the employers who hire them, to compensate for the financial toll these immigrants take on society.

But Oberweis took issue with Foster's proposal, labeling it an "amnesty tax" and saying it offers little more than a slap on the wrist for those who hire illegal immigrants. He called the promise of American employment the "single greatest lure drawing illegal immigrants," and reiterated his stance on the issue: no amnesty, secured borders and tough sanctions on those who hire illegal immigrants.

Foster spokesman Andrew Dupuy clarified the Democrat's position on the issue after the radio taping, saying that Foster's immigration plan has been on his Web site for months. It involves stronger borders, a biometric worker identification card for easy access to immigration status, and a guest worker program for those waiting in line to become citizens.

Those last two go hand in hand, Dupuy said -- a guest worker program will not work without a national database and a way for employers to easily verify immigration status. Foster's program would assess these impact fees for immigrants waiting to become citizens, but guest workers, Dupuy said, would not jump the line ahead of those waiting in their home countries.

"Bill Foster has been clear and consistent in his positions on illegal immigration," Dupuy said. "Foster is for tougher workplace enforcement so workplaces don't hire illegal immigrants, as well as stronger border security."

Illegal immigration has been a central issue for Oberweis for years, and his position has remained constant. Employers are not and should not be allowed to hire illegal immigrants, he says, and sanctions should be strengthened to deter those who do. Oberweis agrees with Foster that an ID card for immigrant workers is a necessary step, and also wants a database of workers to aid in easy verification.

But the issue of hiring illegal immigrant workers, whether waiting in line for citizenship or not, is a separation point between the candidates, Oberweis said.

"If you want to send to Washington someone who's committed to fighting to end illegal immigration, then you should vote for me," Oberweis said.