ICE doing its job
Public Forum Letter
Article Last Updated: 12/23/2006 01:13:47 PM MST

It's a little odd to me that people like Robert Eder (Forum, Dec. 21) send a Public Forum letter without checking it for logic.
He wrote that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents must "have more important matters to worry about" than to round up illegal immigrants who are part of an identity-theft ring that stretches across a number of state borders.
Isn't that the kind of activity we want from Immigration and Customs Enforcement? Who should be enforcing the laws governing illegal immigrants and their criminal behaviors in this case? That's like saying that the police should have better things to do than stand around a crime scene trying to figure out who committed the crime.
It's not helpful to the discussion and solution of a serious immigration problem to sit around and think up marketing slogans and emotion-based examples to defend criminal activity.
Just trying to put food on the table, eh? How come I can do it without breaking the law?

Bill Lines
Salt Lake City