"ICE IMAGE Program
"Reducing Fraud and Educating Employers"

"This month (September), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) significantly increased participation in the ICE Mutual Agreement between Government and Employers (IMAGE program). The IMAGE Program was created in 2007 to help employers use the most effective methods of determing the legal status of potential employers. Participation in IMAGE is voluntary, and by choosing to work with ICE the companies are making an effort to reduce unauthorized employment in the United States."

"Through IMAGE, companies have access to education and training on proper hiring procedures, fradulent document detection, the use of E-Verify and anit-discrimination procedures. ... Participants in IMAGE must agree to:

*Complete a self-assessment questionaire;
*Enroll in E-Verify;
*Enroll in the Social Security Number Verification Program;
*Adhere to IMAGE Best Employment Practices;
*Undergo an I-9 audit conducted by ICE; and
*Review and sign an official IMAGE partnership agreement with ICE."

"Once enrolled and committed to the best practice put forth by ICE, participants achieve the distinction of "IMAGE Certified" - which DHS believes will become an industry standard. THIS DISTINCTION SENDS A MESSAGE TO CUSTOMERS THAT THE COMPANY IS COMMITTED TO REDUCING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, AND SUBSEQUENTLY DOCUMENT FRAUD BY MAKING SURE ONLY AUTHORIZED WORKERS ARE EMPLOYED."

"More information about ICE's IMAGE Program is available at www.ice.gov ."

Copied from the September, 2008 "Immigration Newsletter" of United States Congressman Pete Sessions, 32nd District of Texas, 1514 Longworth House Bldg., Washington, DC 20515-4332. Rec'd by email.