Boise, Idaho-- An Idaho senator is answering a call for help from local farmers. They say increased border security is leading to a workforce shortage.

Several new pieces of legislation are being considered to fix the situation. One would provide incentives for illegal aliens to seek jobs in agriculture.

Politicians are working with Idaho farmers from Emmett to Eastern Idaho. They say there aren't enough workers to harvest crops and they're asking politicians like Senator Larry Craig for help.

"The farmers came to him expressing that problem and said we have a work force we would like to be able to certify as being legal," said Sid Smith, a representative for Sen. Larry Craig.

Senator Craig is busy with an Ag Jobs bill that he hopes will create a stable workforce for farmers.

Under his plan illegal aliens who perform six years of farm labor would gain legal status. Craig also favors a guest worker program that President Bush also supports.

It would require illegals to pay fines and back taxes, and also learn English to become citizens. But an opponent to that plan says softening immigration policy isn't the answer.

"Obviously I'm opposed to it why would you reward someone for breaking the law," said Robert Vasquez, a Canyon County Commissioner.

Vasquez says the guest worker program don't make sense. He thinks it encourages the wrong behavior and isn't necessary.

"There are over 25 million illegal immigrants in U.S. How could their be a shortage of agricultural workers," said Vasquez.

But change could be on the horizon. "Having the democrats in control of house and senate will definitely change the dynamics of the immigration debate," Sid Smith.

Senator Craig hopes that immigration reform will bring Idaho farmers some relief soon. Craig's spokesman says if need be the Senator will re-introduce the reform issue at the start of the next congressional session in January.