Can you believe this guy? So I guess it's ok for illegal aliens to threaten our lives and kill Americans, you won't hear one word out of his mouth then, but shoe gets put on the other foot and I'm suppose to feel sorry for you? Nope I don't feel bad at all. I'm not saying death threats are ok because they are not (that is if he's not making this crap up which I believe he is in order to try to garner sympathy for his pathetic arse), but maybe if you didn't constantly side with foreign lawbreakers over American citizens then maybe you wouldn't piss people off to the point that they want to get irrational. Your receiving death threats supposedly? Now you know how we feel. Get over it and start doing your job, I don't feel sorry for you one bit you gutless traitorous worm. Yet despite these supposed threats against his life this delusional turd is still carrying the water of the NWO. To me McClown is no better than the terrorists he claims he's against. ... 02064.html

McCain: Immigration Issue Led to Threats

The Associated Press
Wednesday, August 15, 2007; 8:10 PM

ASPEN, Colo. -- Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Wednesday that the issue of illegal immigration angered people unlike no other, including the unpopular war in Iraq, and sparked unprecedented death threats against him.

"It is unbelievable how this has inflamed the passions of the American people," the Arizona senator said in remarks at The Aspen Institute, a public policy forum. In an interview, he declined to elaborate on the threats he had received.

Still, McCain said, he continued to support a temporary worker program for the 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States. Derided by critics as amnesty, the program was one of the most controversial elements of the failed immigration bill supported by President Bush and a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House and Senate.

McCain acknowledged that the immigration issue, along with his support for the war in Iraq, had cost him politically.

"Look, I've got to do what I know is right for this country. These issues I have to take head-on," he said.

McCain said the United States is making progress in Iraq, and he recommended that the U.S. take a hard line against Iran. He said an alternative is needed to the United Nations, where Iran's supporters have blocked sanctions, and that the U.S. should set up another coalition with democratic nations.

Russian President Vladimir Putin should be barred from the next meeting of the G-8, the coalition of western leaders who meet to discuss world issues, McCain said. Putin wants to reunite the former Soviet Union and has surrounded himself with former members of the Soviet spy agency, the KGB, to crack down on opponents, he said.

McCain said the G-8 was founded on fundamental economic and democratic principles and that Russia no longer meets the qualifications for G-8 membership.

"We have to make it clear to Putin that this kind of behavior makes him, in many ways, a pariah. The next year when they're meeting, stay home, Vlad," he said.