Larry 'Nativo' Lopez appeared on the Lou Dobbs show yesterday live from an invader rant in Santa Ana, Calif. Larry went ballistic when Lou used the correct term (illegal aliens) when referring to his pet foreign invaders ... tml#payaso

DOBBS: Nativo, you're talking about feeling the impact, you're talking about a boycott of all illegal aliens in this country?

LOPEZ: Well first off, I refute your terminology. You don't say kike, patty, WOP, OK, you don't say ******.

DOBBS: Partner, I don't even listen to that kind of language. You pollute the air.

LOPEZ: You're using language that's offensive to me and offensive to my people.

DOBBS: You are wrong.

LOPEZ: You pollute the air every day, Dobbs. You are absolutely wrong.

DOBBS: You have the distinction of using language that is never...

LOPEZ: That language is offensive, it's derogatory, it's denigrating, and don't use that terminology to me again, referring to my people.

[Note: 'His people?' We understand that Larry was born in the United States.]