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    Senior Member NCByrd's Avatar
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    If you read nothing else today, read ALL of this!

    Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU)

    Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D. ... leID=20963

    This research will reveal the betrayal of the American people by a government cabal who are bent on destroying our sovereignty in order to create a North American Union. The miscreants include many who function at the highest levels in our government. Many hold membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission and pursue a subversive agenda. The cabal is deliberately circumventing the U.S. Congress and 'We the People' in blatant violation of our Constitution. Collectively they are committing TREASON. If you continue to believe that the illegal alien invasion is the biggest threat to America, you will never understand that there is something far more dangerous to our country called the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" (SPP). As bad as the illegal alien situation is . . . you will learn that this nation is in dire peril far exceeding the illegal alien problem.

    Educate yourself. Follow the links in the references provided below. Read what your own government has posted on their official websites such as the,, and You will be aghast at the nearly complete destruction of our sovereignty, Bill of Rights, Constitution, laws, Republic, and freedoms they have ALREADY achieved.

    This heinous ongoing treason has been engineered by an entrenched cabal of legislators, courts, military brass, and government employees in this and prior administrations.

    The tyranny is being facilitated by hundreds of people embedded at all levels of the executive branch constituting a so-called 'Shadow Government' who are working in concert to dismantle this country in plain sight. The agenda was engineered by the Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) and kept secret by their deliberately mute media collaborators.

    Will your children live under this NAFTA Flag instead of 'Old Glory'?

    Those treasonous 'media collaborators' have consistently used the most effective tool in controlling what the media reports, which is the tool of 'OMISSION' . . . think [illegal] immigrant and [Communist] China for example.

    As For Why Most Americans are Unaware of the CFR Organization . . .

    The chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) for 15 years, from 1970 to 1985, was David Rockefeller who also founded the Trilateral Commission and is its honorary chairman. His father John D. Rockefeller and brother Nelson purchased and then donated the land beneath the United Nations (UN) for $8.5 million dollars, then claimed it as a charitable deduction.(1)

    As for how the machinations of the CFR have remained unnoticed . . . in 1991 in Baden-Baden, Germany, David Rockefeller gloatingly said: "We're grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.."(2)

    In other words, Americans are to be treated like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed plenty of you know what!

    CFR member Richard N. Gardner, who in a 1974 Foreign Affairs article titled: "The Hard Road to World Order" wrote: In short, the "house of world order" will have to be built from the bottom up rather than the top down. It will look like a great "booming, buzzing confusion" [like the chaos of an overwhelming illegal alien invasion combined with the uncertainty of 'the war on terror' which will provide cover for] . . . an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, [which] will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault .(3)

    And what does David Rockefeller say about his work?

    "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interest of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists ' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."(5)

    What colossal arrogance! Like other globalists, he loses sight of man's humanity and the very fundamental nature of what it is to BE human. Mankind will ALWAYS resist subjugation and will ALWAYS struggle to have and maintain their freedoms . . . after all . . . for us Americans . . . it is the very essence of what it is to BE an American.

    Here's Rockefeller's 1973 View on Communist China . . .

    "The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly from the singleness of ideology and purpose . . . The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in history."

    The Cultural Revolution claimed the lives of nearly 100 million people in order to achieve the 'success' that David Rockefeller admires. One might question just how he can reconcile those deaths and consider it something of value and worthy of praise instead of being condemned for its abject horror and inhumanity. Perhaps Mr. Rockefeller needs a little 're-education.'

    How Did the CFR Get Embedded in Our Government?

    The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was incorporated in New York on July 29, 1921, as the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs while the British branch was called the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). The original membership included Colonel House, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, and Jacob Schiff who had previously engineered the creation of the Federal Reserve System.

    The RIAA leadership was comprised of members of the Round Table which was started by Cecil Rhodes in the 1800's which was designed to "federate the English speaking peoples of the world, and bring it under their rule".

    "In September 1939, two members of the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR] visited the State Department to offer the council's services."

    "They proposed to do research and make recommendations for the department without formal assignment or responsibility, particularly in four areas - security armaments, economic and financial problems, political problems, and territorial problems. The Rockefeller Foundation agreed to finance the operation of this plan."

    "From that day forward, the Council on Foreign Relations has placed its members in policy-making positions with the State Department and other federal agencies. Every Secretary of State since 1944, with the exception of James F. Byrnes, has been a member of the [CFR] council."(6) The trend continues on as both Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell are members of the CFR.

    Others Who have Spoken Out About the 'Shadow Government':

    "Rear Admiral Chester Ward, USN (Retd.), who was a member of the CFR for sixteen years, has written, 'The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common--They want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the United States."(6)

    "Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962) said: The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes."(7)

    "In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." (7)

    In a speech given on February 23, 1954, Senator William Jenner warned America: "Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, a bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded."(7)

    In fact, the Constitution is far more than 'outmoded,' according to President Bush who rebuffed GOP leaders' request to soft pedal some parts of the 'Patriot Act' by saying: "I don't give a goddamn . . . I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way." Then, responding to an aide who stated: "There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution." Bush screamed back: "Stop throwing the constitution in my face . . . It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"(

    As for the 'bureaucratic elite' of wealthy globalists who function as the 'Shadow Government' . . . their ultimate goal is a so called NEW World Order, which is course is NOT NEW but is, in reality, a ONE World Order. To that end, Franklin Delano Roosevelt managed to condemn their monopolist lust from the grave in a message found enshrined on the FDR memorial in Washington, D.C.:


    And What Does a World Controlled by the United Nations Look Like?

    Written in 1962 and prepared by the Institute for Defense Analyses submitted to the Department of State: "A world effectively controlled by the United Nations is one in which "world government" [One World Government (OWO)]would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions [such as the UN], characterized by mandatory universal membership and some ability to employ physical force. Effective control would thus entail a preponderance of political power in the hands of a supranational organization [i.e. the United Nations] rather than in individual national units [like the United States], and would assume the effective operation of a general disarmament agreement. While this supranational organization -- the United Nations -- would not necessarily be the organization as it now exists, the present UN Charter could theoretically be revised in order to erect such an organization equal to the task envisaged, thereby codifying a radical rearrangement of power in the world."(9)

    Are we there yet? Think UNESCO, LOST, Earth Charter, Agenda 21, Areas Foundations, CANAMEX, 'Global Warming' and the Kyoto Treaty, the World Court, The Hague, WTO, GATT, NASCO, NAFTA, CAFTA and all the rest of the alphabet entities granted external control over the sovereign nation of the United States of America.

    Coming up . . . the FTAA (Free Trade Areas of the Americas), the final nail in America's coffin.

    The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) is an attempt to expand the failed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to every country in Central America, South America and the Caribbean, except Cuba. Negotiations began right after the completion of NAFTA in 1994 and were supposed to have been completed by January 1, 2005. Sovereignty? For how much longer?

    The Goal of the Globalists Is To Gain World Monopoly. According to "Antony Sutton, a research fellow for the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University . . . 'While monopoly control of industries was one the objectives of J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller, by the late nineteenth century the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood the most efficient way to gain an unchallenged monopoly was to 'go political' and make society go to work for the monopolists-- under the name of the public good and the public interest'."(7)

    "Frederick C. Howe revealed the strategy of using government in a 1906 book, Confessions of a Monopolist: These are the rules of big business . . . Get a monopoly; let society work for you; and remember that the best of all business is politics . . . "(7)

    [b]To fully understand the truly 'dark side' of a monopoly, how about using "food as a weapon" as was once declared by Henry Kissinger. It is strongly suggested that you read this article on the future of genetically (read patentable and monopolized) engineered seeds. All food starts with seeds and there is now a patent by Delta & Pine Land, which is about to be acquired by Monsanto, because they engineered a 'Terminator' seed which cannot be used for the next year's crop because it automatically self-destructs at the end of the growing season. How sick is that?[b]

    Follow the twisted devious financial and political connections to its conclusion where in the final three paragraphs you will find that: "The key scientific member of the Delta & Pine Land board since 1993 has been Dr. Nam-Hai Chua. Chua, 62, is also head of the Rockefeller University Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory in New York, and has been for over 25 years, the labs which are at the heart of the Rockefeller Foundation's decades-long development, and spending of more than $100 millions of its own research grants to create their Gene Revolution. Until 1995, Chua was also a scientific consultant to Monsanto Corporation, as well as to DuPont's Pioneer Hi-Bred International. Chua is at the heart of Rockefeller's Gene Revolution. And, clearly, Delta & Pine Land and their research on Terminator have been in the center of that work."(10)

    A De Facto Global Economy!

    If you think about it, by sending our manufacturing base to Mexico or other foreign countries, the globalists have FORCED America to become global when in the past we were self-contained and produced all we needed for ourselves and exported our excess around the world. Now we are dependent on countries like China, etc., to supply stores like Wal-mart with nearly all of its merchandise. Say what you want about Wal-mart, but their inventory includes nearly everything a person might need at a price working Americans can afford to pay, since wages have not kept pace with inflation.

    In fact . . . later in this research, you will find that the cabal working toward the NAU has gone one step further and created non-profit foundations to develop many of the road and infrastructure projects that are planned under NAFTA 'plus' called the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). This means that NO TAXES will enter the coffers of America's government till. Even worse . . . you will find that they are using all manner of federal tax dollars to fund some of the 'non-profit' projects that are already in place. Clever by half, wouldn't you say. Take taxpayer dollars, make money and pay no taxes in return while America, by default, becomes the North American Union.

    The 'Shadow Government has begun their 'race to the finish' and have become ever more arrogant and bold. They have concluded that they are so close to complete conquest that they are ever more blatantly flouting our Constitution and laws than you can ever imagine in your wildest of dreams of hell on earth.

    What IS Happening to America? Have You Ever Pondered The Following . . .

    Didn't you ever wonder why our borders are still wide open?

    Didn't you ever wonder why our immigration laws are unenforced?

    Didn't you ever wonder why CAFTA was passed in the House by two recanted votes after the time for voting had expired? Especially in light of the fact that most ordinary people would agree that NAFTA has been such a devastating failure for both Mexico and America.

    Didn't you ever wonder why the Senate told 83% of 'We the People' to 'go to hell' when they passed the amnesty bill S. 2611 which will add 100 million people to America in the next ten years according to Dr. Robert Rector of the Heritage Institute. That number is a CONSERVATIVE estimate since statisticians extrapolated those numbers from the 2000 census to arrive at the totally bogus figures of 10-12 million illegals.

    Didn't you ever wonder why the reconquista rabble can march in our streets and shout from the roof tops that they want to take over the Southwest and our government doesn't investigate them for sedition like they did the VA nurse who wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the Iraq War, and the government's handling of Hurricane Katrina.(11)

    What is sedition?
    Webster's defines it as follows: "The Stirring up of discontent, resistance, or rebellion against the government in power." These photos speak directly to the issue of sedition in the streets of America.

    Go here and view the reconquista rabble in the streets and listen to their anti-American rants of sedition, which unlike the VA nurse, remain unchallenged to this day: Mob politics: (12)

    Here's more sedition by a charter school principal and the mayor of Los Angeles titled: The Aztec Al-Qaeda.(13)

    In "1968---The Hispanic organization, the Southwest Council of LaRaza Unida, is created with a $630,000 grant from the Ford Foundation, which supports the movement to bring massive numbers of Mexicans into the U.S. From 1968 to 1992, Ford Foundation grants to radical Hispanics totaled over $31 million. And according to Henry Santiestevan (former head of the Southwest Council of LaRaza), It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that the Ford Foundation is the Chicano movement."(14)

    Included in the list of well financed 'radical Hispanic' groups are the National Council of La Raza (i.e., The Race), MALDEF and LULAC. One other caveat is that the US Attorney General Gonzales is rumored to be a card carrying member of NCLR, a charge that he has never denied. What better way to achieve the goal of a North American Union than to arm a '5th column' of rabid racist Hispanics organizations that will support massive illegal immigration creating a de facto elimination of our borders as the CFR desires. Some wags have even said that the CFR initials probably stand for Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller.(15)(16)

    Along with the non-profit foundations that are funding the racist reconquista rabble, there has been a concerted effort by our own government to aid and abet the massive illegal alien anarchy you see in our streets. Below in the numbered references you can find three well researched articles by this author that document how our government and the non-profit foundations are promoting, aiding and abetting the illegal alien anarchy: (17)(1(19)

    Then There Are Those Americans Who Are NOT Funded by the Non-Profits:

    For example, the VA nurse mentioned above or one George Barisich who lost everything in Katrina, his business, his home . . . while at the same time his extended family "lost 14 of their 17 houses in St. Bernard," Louisiana. Barisich was ticketed after six DHS security officers surrounded him in his vehicle on a Wal-Mart parking lot for giving away a T-shirt which said: "Flooded by Katrina! Forgotten by FEMA! What's Next, Mr. Bush?" The parking lot was considered 'federal property' because there was a FEMA center located elsewhere on it. Barisich was there picking up canned goods from a charity relief tent.(20)

    Or . . . Jan Hall, an Orange County Florida, Sadler Elementary School teacher who wrote a letter to her congressman that was confiscated by someone who translated it and had it published in the Spanish language newspaper El Nuevo Dia to incite hate and anger against her. You can find the original handwritten letter here: (21) As a result, Jan Hall was immediately suspended without pay, and threatened with loss of her teaching license after 33 years of teaching.

    All this was done before a thorough investigation and in violation of her civil rights. Ms. Hall is now pursuing a $20 million dollar lawsuit against the school and its administration stating: " . . . you nevertheless, chose to use her exercise of these clearly protected Constitutional rights as grounds to suspend her without pay, to publicly disparage and humiliate her, to demonize her in the Greater Orlando community . . ."(22)

    Unfortunately today, it takes a law suit to preserve your constitutional rights.

    Then There is the 'Back Door' Approach to Eliminating America's Sovereignty . . .

    By auctioning off America to the highest bidder, no questions asked as . . . "According to the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, Norman Mineta, 'We are like a poker game. We are inviting people to the table and saying, bring money when you come'."(23)

    Didn't you ever wonder who CFIUS was when you heard they approved the Dubai Ports deal?

    Its full name is the 'Committee on Foreign Investment in the US' which falls under the aegis of the U.S. Treasury Department. CFIUS was established in 1975 by Gerald Ford's Executive Order 11858. An Executive Order is legislation by Presidential fiat! Then in 1988 Ronald Reagan delegated his oversight to CFIUS by Executive Order 12661. This order required CFIUS "to submit a report and recommendation to the President at the conclusion of an investigation."(24)

    If you will recall, it was CFIUS that insanely approved the United Arab Emirates, Dubai Ports World (DPW) takeover of 6 of our major seaports. Remember . . . it was a 'done deal' by time the sale became public. The committee works in SECRET and makes SECRET decisions. CFIUS has reviewed 1500 cases and blocked only ONE! The Dubai deal was approved even after several federal agencies objected to it on security grounds. Only when there was public outcry did the deal come under scrutiny.(25)

    What was interesting was that George Bush professed 'no knowledge' of the deal even though CFIUS is required to submit "a report and recommendation to the President at the conclusion of an investigation." "The Committee has 30 days to decide whether to investigate a case and an additional 45 days to make its recommendation. Once the recommendation is made, the President has 15 days to act," if necessary to block the deal.(26)(25)

    Was Bush lying about his knowledge concerning such a massive transaction with obvious major security implications or was it simple incompetence? He should have known if CFIUS was abiding by the rules. Compounding the felony, President Bush "threatened to veto any attempt by Congress to kill the port deal."(27)

    Many Americans understood that: "The [DPW] deal is yet another plot, approved in secret, which would undermine American national security and sovereignty for the benefit of the transnational political and commercial plutocrats who manage government and business across the globe."(2

    The Gov't Provides Bogus Propaganda AFTER the Dubai Deal Comes Under Fire

    Read about the Dubai Ports World deal that the Treasury Department and DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) dutifully spewed forth in defense of the CFIUS approval. Be sure to wear you 'hip boots' when you wade into these three propaganda 'reports.'(29)(30)(31)

    The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) threw in its two-cents worth of propaganda during the Senate debate on the U.S.-Oman free trade agreement with a fatuous non sequitur which stated: "Congress may not appreciate what is at stake. Far from being in continuous conflict, open capital markets and national security support one another. A strong economy is part of national security . . . "(32) Douglas Holtz-Eakin OK

    Isn't that backwards? Shouldn't the WSJ have said that a strong national security provides 'support' for the economy? Isn't it paramount that security NOT be a part of the economic engine so that the 'almighty dollar' couldn't trump security measures? Isn't that common sense? After all the Wall Street Journal is prima facie evidence of those who would prostitute themselves in pursuit of that same 'almighty dollar.'

    In the Dubai ports deal, it didn't seem to matter that "the United States already prohibits foreign direct investment in such industries as maritime [e.g., Dubai Ports World], aircraft, banking, resources, and power. Generally, these sectors were closed to foreign investors to prevent public services and public interest activities from falling under foreign control, but again primarily for national defense purposes."(33)

    The Exon-Florio law under which CFIUS operates was written so that it "gives the President broad powers to block certain types of foreign investment" especially those involving issues of national security.(33)

    The NEW 'Mall of America'!

    Little did they know that CFIUS and President Bush would run this country like a giant shopping mall. We find that BOTH parties willfully ignored the national security issues raised by multiple federal agencies during their review of the Dubai Ports World deal.

    Outrageously, after the Dubai Ports World debacle, CFIUS decided to sell U.S. military parts manufacturing facilities to Dubai. Yet another anti-security deal. This time there were no objections heard from Congress. Perhaps they were too 'worn out' from racing to the TV cameras during the 'ports deal' which left them incapable of proffering any objections against a similar national security issue.(34)(35)

    What Other 'Fire Sales' of Taxpayer Paid Infrastructure Have Been Made? Read on . . .

    How many other secret deals and secret meetings to sell our infrastructure to foreign countries have there been, and will there be in the future? Look around, see all of the infrastructure paid for with our tax dollars that is up for sale to the highest bidder. Roads, bridges, ports, waterworks. It doesn't matter WHO the buyers are!

    One example . . . "RWEAG, a German owned utility company purchased the American Water Works in 2001 for $7.6 billion. the American Water Works was founded in 1886 and serves 1,300 communities in 23 states from the East Coast to the West Coast." But guess what . . . its up for sale again! And, because of "unusually high rate increases and declining maintenance" . . . America's mayors are saying "we want control of our own water."(36)

    Another example . . . "On a single day in June, an Australian-Spanish partnership paid $3.8 billion to lease the Indiana Toll Road. An Australian company bought a 99-year lease on Virginia's Pocahontas Parkway, and Texas officials decided to let a Spanish-American partnership build and run a toll road from Austin to Seguin for 50 years."(37)

    In Chicago "last year, the city sold a 99-year lease on the eight-mile Chicago Skyway for $1.83 billion. The buyer was the same consortium that leased the Indiana Toll Road -- Macquarie Infrastructure Group of Sydney, Australia, and Cintra Concessiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte of Madrid, Spain."(37)

    In Orange County, CA . . . [t]he road, part of state Route 91, was built and run for $130 million by California Private Transportation Company, partly owned by France-based Compagnie Financiere et Industrielle des Autoroutes. The toll road opened in 1995. Seven years later, Orange County was looking at gridlock. But it could not build more roads because of a provision in the lease. So it bought back the lease -- for $207.5 million.(37)

    A Compilation of Still More Examples . . .

    "Virtually every week brings fresh evidence that highway tolling and private financing are gaining new converts among governors and state transportation officials, in state legislatures, and in the media. Growing transportation budget shortfalls, eroding value of highway tax revenues and a supportive federal policy toward tolling and public-private partnerships have helped to nurture the idea. Fanning its spread are visions of highway projects built entirely with private funds, and prospects of multi-billion-dollar concessionary cash payments that could jump start ambitious transportation improvements years in advance of their planned execution."(3

    The highways were built with taxpayer dollars and the new owners intend to make you pay tolls on roads you have built. To whom do we turn if they do not maintain and upgrade the infrastructures when needed? Will they be accountable to 'We the People?' One concept behind the Eisenhower national interstate system was that it was to be FREE. Clinton's Executive Order put an end to that and our Congress went right along. Lastly, these private companies will use the Supreme Court's Kelo decision to permit the TAKING of private property for private gain. And . . . these entities will hire Washington insiders to pry every single dollar from the federal government they can while building these toll road systems.

    As for the those who have spoken out and 'hit the nail on the head' . . . "Patrick Bauer, the Indiana House's Democratic leader, says such deals are taxpayer rip-offs. Bauer believes Macquarie-Cintra could make $133 billion over the 75-year life of the Indiana Toll Road lease -- for which Indiana got $3.8 billion. 'In five, maybe 10 years, all that money is gone, and the tolls keep rising and the money keeps flowing into the foreign coffers,' . . ."(39)

    Who's Responsible For The Massive Push To Sell America Out From Underneath Us?

    It is a fact that the direct selling of our infrastructure to foreign countries is in violation of the Constitution, Article I, Section 10, Clause 3. It is also a fact that such sales are in direct contravention of the Exon-Florio laws which mandates the prohibition of "foreign direct investment in maritime, aircraft, banking, resources and power." Why then is the Committee on Foreign Investment in the US (CFIUS), which conveniently falls under the aegis of the U.S. Treasury Department, and individual local or state governments being allowed to continue doing so with regularity and rapidly accelerating speed?

    As for WHY our infrastructure is being auctioned off to the highest bidder, mostly foreign investors, the answer is because George H. W. Bush, a One World Monopolist, wrote and signed an Executive Order (E.O.) 12803 on April 30, 1992 commanding that it be done. That E.O. was published in only two places, Cornell University and by which has since been taken down.

    Executive Order 12803, Section 1 under 'Definitions' it states the following . . . "For the purpose of this order:

    (a) 'Privatization' means the disposition of or transfer of an infrastructure asset [read taxpayer funded and owned], such as by sale or by long-term lease, from State or local government to a private party.

    (b) 'Infrastructure asset' means any asset financed in whole or in part by the Federal Government [read taxpayer financed] and needed for the functioning of the economy [if we need it why are we selling it?]. Examples of such assets include, but are not limited to: roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling and wastewater treatment facilities, solid waste disposal facilities, housing, schools, prisons and hospitals." A BREATHTAKING LIST!

    Following Bush's lead, Bill Clinton, issued another unlawful Executive order E.O. 12893, which, just like all the actions prompted by the Shadow Government, is ALSO a little known fact.

    You can find a comprehensive list of America's taxpayer financed roads being sold to the highest bidder via Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Take note that the word 'partnerships' is a euphemistic term which really means the fascist blending of private (corporate) and public (government) in 'partnerships' to the everlasting detriment of America's security and sovereignty, not to mention the violation of our Constitution and laws.

    There are even seminars provided to teach state and local government officials how to go about selling our taxpayer financed infrstructures to foreign private investment groups. There will be a "North American Private Partnerships Intensive Seminar, . . . held at the Hyatt Regency in Miami, March 19 to 21 [2007]. The cost will be $3,500 [probably paid by taxpayer dollars] per attendee."

    Our country is being sold out from beneath us, often to foreign entities who will control them in times of national emergencies and in violation of the Exon-Florio law and our Constitution. All is being accomplished while many Americans remain uninformed by the media AND those who loudly object are being ignored or silenced by the fascist One World Monopolists, in collusion with the corrupt main stream media, in their drive to conquer America from within.

    America's Trucking Industry Will Be Jeopardized

    "The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association came out this month in opposition to any Mexican truck pilot program. Todd Spencer, the association's executive vice president, said the program would jeopardize safety on U.S. roads and would lead to an influx of cheap Mexican labor . . . [said:] 'A move by the U.S. Department of Transportation to open U.S. roadways to Mexican trucks puts the interest of foreign trade and cheap labor ahead of everything else, including highway safety, homeland security and the well-being of hardworking Americans' . . ."(40)

    The Gathering Storm Clouds Are Approaching . . .

    "There is a plan no one talks about very much, one that floats over the horizon like an approaching storm at sea. In this business dream, the Pacific ports of the United States will be shifted south to new massive anchorages in Mexico . . . These new ports will be linked by major train and truck arteries -- NAFTA Corridors -- to the cities of the United States and Canada. Mexican trucking companies will be bought (and are being bought up now) by American firms and Mexican truckers will deliver the freight and freely drive all U.S. highways. In this plan, the shipping of the United States leaves [out] union ports and the long haul trucking leaves [out] union drivers."(41)

    "An enlarged I-35 will reach north from the sister cities of Laredo/Nuevo Laredo 1,600 miles to Canada via San Antonio, Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Kansas City, the Twin Cities and Duluth and I-69 will originate at the same crossing and streak north to Michigan. Each corridor will be about 1,200 feet wide. Six lanes will be dedicated to cars, four to trucks and in the middle will be rail and utilities. The goods will come from new Mexican ports on the Pacific coast. At the moment, at least five such corridors are on the drawing boards."(41)

    In a story called 'The NAFTA Trucker' an investigative reporter by the name of Charles Bowden wrote a story for the November 1999 issue of The Teamster in which he exposed a story about Mexican long haul drivers who are woefully exploited, exhausted by the exorbitant hours they are forced to drive so they use cocaine and amphetamines, etc., all the while driving notoriously poorly maintained vehicles.

    In the August 2006 Teamsters magazine, seven years later, he writes that "NOTHING HAS CHANGED" and Mexican truck drivers and their rigs are still grossly 'unsafe at any speed.'

    Help Comes From the Courts to Smooth the Way for the NAU
    Oh, by the way, did you know that on "June 7, 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court reached a unanimous decision in Department of Transportation v. Public Citizen, ruling that Mexican trucks under NAFTA could enter the U.S. freely, even if the Mexican trucks failed to meet environmental standards as set by state and federal law."(42)

    How devastating can those emissions become? "An estimated 63,000 Mexican trucks crossed the border last year[2001], making, 4.3 million crossing, mostly through Texas."(43) Today in 2006 the number of crossings is much higher and the planned NASCO super highway will escalate the traffic exponentially.

    Of the road infrastructure already sold in California: "Each major transportation mode already faces serious limitations in capacity, but huge growth is predicted for all kinds of cargo traffic, including the NAFTA trade. According to SCAG, [Southern California Assn. of Governments] two million trucks traveled northbound/southbound across the California/Baja California border in 2003. That was before the Supreme Court okayed Mexican trucks and buses for full U.S. access and before implementation of the recently-approved Central American Free Trade Agreement [CAFTA]."(44)

    How rampant is the selling or leasing of roads and bridges?

    The following article lists those already completed and those that are waiting in line and planning to be sold or leased to foreign entities: (45)

    Furthermore " . . . the Communist Chinese Army now controls the Panama Canal and also controls port terminals in Seattle, Washington, and Long Beach, California . . . America's leaders are willfully and deliberately outsourcing every viable asset we have to foreign countries. Ever since President Bill Clinton and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole collaborated to ram NAFTA and GATT down our throats, the rush to outsource America's jobs, industries, and even our security has been in full wing (and FTAA is just around the corner)."(46)

    A Chilling Message From the Office of the U.S. Attorney General

    Didn't you ever wonder why our government is prosecuting border patrol agents for doing their job?

    Did you know that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rules state: "It is a violation of Border Patrol regulations to go after someone who is fleeing." . . . "The Border Patrol pursuit policy prohibits the pursuit of someone." To repeat: "Agents are not allowed to pursue. In order to exceed the speed limit, you have to get supervisor approval . . . "(47)

    One of the two agents said: "How are we supposed to follow the Border Patrol strategy of apprehending terrorists or drug smugglers if we are not supposed to pursue fleeing people? . . . Everybody who's breaking the law flees from us. What are we supposed to do? Do they want us to catch them or not?"(47) Apparently not!

    In order to prosecute two border patrol agents, one of whom was up for Border Patrol Agent of the Year, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General, investigator Christopher Sanchez sought out the Mexican national whose abandoned van contained 800 pounds of Marijuana and was shot in the buttocks as he fled to another waiting van on the Mexican side of the border. "The smuggler was given full immunity to testify against the agents and complete medical care at William Beaumont Army Medical Center, in El Paso [Texas]."(47)

    The agents, Ramos and Compean, face 20 years in prison after being convicted of "assault with serious bodily injury; assault with a deadly weapon; discharge of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence; and civil rights violation . . . The smuggler is now suing the Border Patrol for $5 million for violating his civil rights."(47)

    TJ Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing border agents said the Border Patrol's official pursuit policy handcuffs agents in the field . . . The administration is trying to intimidate front-line agents from doing their job . . . If they can't do it administratively, they'll do it with trumped-up criminal charges."(47)

    Andy Ramirez of the nonprofit group "Friends of the Border Patrol' said: "This is the greatest miscarriage of justice I have ever seen . . . [the prosecution] has sent a very loud message to the other Border Patrol agents: If you confront a smuggler, this is what will happen to you."(4

    Are your outraged yet?. . . Have you 'connected the dots' yet?

    Why ARE Our Borders STILL Wide Open, Our Laws Unenforced and Massive Amnesty Proffered . . .

    Why does our government tyrannically trample on the rights of American citizens with impunity while it permits, and tacitly condones the racist, reconquista rabble in our streets and on our campuses by allowing them to flood across our borders and remain here unmolested? Could it be they WANT the reconquista rabble to foment their anti-Americanism, hostility, balkanization, racism, sedition, while they flaunt their anarchy?

    Is there something more to the story than illegal aliens rampaging in our streets calling for 'rights' which they have NO RIGHT to get? Lawbreakers who profess their allegiance to Mexico and other Latin American countries, defiling our flag, re-writing our National Anthem, shouting racist slogans on behalf of 'La Raza' ('The Race' which is ironically NOT a race).

    Can the deliberate non-action of our government to stop the massive 20-30 million illegal alien invasion of our country actually be part of a some hidden agenda?

    In Order To Answer ALL of Those Disturbing Questions . . .

    You need to understand that the illegal alien invasion is simply a diversion to keep our focus off the imminent implementation of the North American Union (NAU), the next step towards a One World Order (OWO).

    The illegal alien invasion is a tool being used to segue America into the North American Union. Just think about the DEFIANT Senate amnesty bill S. 2611 which insanely includes all manner of benefits, rights, privileges, 'a path to citizenship,' major increases in job stealing high tech visas AND a tripling of quotas for LEGAL immigration which is already over a million per year which does not include those seeking asylum.(49)

    Why did the Senate do such an insane thing in TOTAL and COMPLETE opposition to 'We the People' and in such abject disregard for the horrendous consequences it will foist upon our nation's future? It is, without doubt . . . "an 'open borders manifesto,' a nation killer."(50)

    The answer is as plain as the nose on your face. Many in the Senate AND the House AND the Executive are working in concert to create a North American Union. They are capitalists whose agenda is Communism which makes them classic fascists. They embrace the concept of a world run by a wealthy few, which they apparently believe will be themselves. Their goal is to achieve the few remaining unfulfilled tenets of the Communist Manifesto in order to put an end to America.

    How Dishonest and Corrupt IS our Congress?

    Did you know that, in 1999 and 2000, presidential candidate and then president-elect Vicente Fox had a foreign relations aide who met with "almost 80 U.S. congressmen and senators during numerous trips and at several events." The aide, Fredo Arias-king, attests that: "With just over 50 of them, my colleagues and I spoke about immigration in some depth, as it is one of the important bilateral topics [for Mexico]."(51)

    They found that: "American politicians are overwhelmingly pro-immigration, for a variety of reasons, and they do not always admit this to their constituents. Of those 50 legislators, 45 were unambiguously pro-immigration, even asking us at times to 'send more.' This was true of both Democrats and Republicans."(51)

    His conclusions: "If an organizable mass of Americans comes to suspect that mass immigration from Latin America is being used by the political class to undermine their democracy and as a tool to liberate the political elites from the Jeffersonian and Madisonian constraints, then indeed we may witness a reaction-but hopefully not against the immigrants themselves, as they are also objects of elite manipulations in more than one country."(51)

    All Along, The Government's Diabolical Plan Has Been As Follows:

    The illegal alien problem is simply the MECHANISM for leveraging what is yet to come. Once the civil unrest and chaos caused by the overwhelming 'human tsunami' of illegal aliens reduces America to complete anarchy, a state of total lawlessness and riots (they can't be race riots because Hispanics are comprised of ALL races) or the bird flu pandemic arrives, or another 'Katrina' occurs, or a 'dirty bomb' is unleashed . . . the federal government will institute martial law. One of those events or some other inventive pretext will then allow the 'Shadow Government' to step forward and VISIBLY take over our country. They will use martial law to install a socialist-Communist-Marxist One World Order (OWO) dictatorial government in plain sight instead of clandestinely as they do now.(52)(53)

    If you think those statements are too far fetched and bizarre to believe? You will change your mind completely once you have read and digested all of the information exposed in this report. The information will come primarily from GOVERNMENT websites. It will all be documented with clickable URL 'addresses' to the source material which is listed below as 'References' and tagged numerically throughout the next part of this exposé. If you don't believe what is written . . . then do your own research and checking.

    You will be stunned beyond belief at the nearly complete destruction of our sovereignty, Constitution, Bill of Rights and our Republic that has been accomplished thus far while the fascist cabal deviously 'hides in plain sight.' All has been completed without ANY proper oversight by our Congress nor the knowledge or sanction by 'We the People.' How are they doing it? Read on . . .

    NAFTA Morphs Into the SPP and the NAU Plot Emerges

    The tri-lateral cabal headed by President Fox, Prime Minister Martin, and President Bush have used NAFTA as a Trojan horse to create the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) which was officially announced on March 23, 2005, in Waco, Texas . The plan was little noticed when it was formally announced. Sadly it is . . . 'a day that will live in infamy!'

    NAFTA, a supposed 'trade agreement' that has already cost millions of American jobs and closed many of our manufacturing plants has been deviously used to create the SPP. It was an ignominious day for America and all she stands for when the heads of state from three sovereign countries (Mexico, Canada and America) could simply mutually agree to deviously pervert the NAFTA agreement and create the SPP.(54)(55)(56)

    Having made their official announcement, President Bush believed he was then entitled to order the executive branch of our government to do his bidding to create the NAU under cover of the SPP without any oversight by Congress or informing the American public. Ergo, by presidential fiat, Bush has created "an end run around America's sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece" or rather 'department by department' just as announced by CFR member Richard Gardner in his 1974 Foreign Affairs article.

    The Early Warning 'Wake up' Call from Mexico:

    "Their ideas are being implemented through the signing of 'regulations,' not subject to citizens' review. This vision may initially have been labeled NAFTA Plus, but the name gives a mistaken impression of what is at hand, since there will be no single treaty text, no unique label to facilitate keeping tabs. Perhaps for this reason, some civil society groups are calling the phenomenon by another name, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPPNA), an official sobriquet for the summits held by the three chief executives to agree on the future of 'North America'. . . . This explains in part why deeper integration is taking place through a series of regulations and executive decrees that avoid citizen watchdogs and legislative oversight. Activist civil society organizations have to work overtime to keep up."(57)

    Bush intends to end U.S. sovereignty in order to create the North American Union.
    The President is stealthily creating a unified continent wide economic and political entity similar to the European Union. He is following the blueprint laid out in a 2005 report entitled Building a North American Community: Report of an Independent Task Force, by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which was preceded in 2001 by CFR member Dr. Robert Pastor's book titled: Toward a North American Community: Lessons from the Old World for the New and several iterations in between.

    The Pastor book and many other similar earlier CFR reports reveals the nexus to Bush and explains the administration's DELIBERATE unenforcement of our immigration laws and DHS' insane policies such as 'catch and release' and others that were used to keep the borders open. Such actions or non-actions and inexplicable policies were purposefully employed to create a de facto elimination of our borders . . . a major prerequisite for the North American Union

    The Corporate Takeover Of America . . .

    At the very symbolic 'round table' pictured above you are seeing the REAL government of America, who are busy selling out your sovereignty, and your freedoms!

    Bush has created, engaged and promoted the North American Competitiveness Council. What is their mission and goal? "INCREASING PRIVATE SECTOR ENGAGEMENT in the SPP by adding high-level BUSINESS INPUT will ASSIST GOVERNMENTS in enhancing North America's competitive position and ENGAGE THE PRIVATE SECTOR AS PARTNERS IN FINDING SOLUTIONS. The Council will:

    Consider issues that could be addressed trilaterally or bilaterally, as improvements in our bilateral relationships enhance North American competitiveness.
    Address issues of immediate importance and provide strategic medium and long-term advice.
    Provide input on the compatibility of our security and prosperity agendas, given the linkages between security and prosperity in a global marketplace.
    Offer ideas on the private sector's role in promoting North American competitiveness."(59)

    Wealthy corporate globalists, such as the Rockefellers, are working in concert with many in positions of power in our courts, military, and government who are members of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and attend the Bilderberg conferences. Their overarching desire is to create world political dominion controlled by corporate monopolies. Their goals are rooted in the ideologies of socialism, Communism, and Marxism. Collectively, they working diligently and secretly to create a FASCIST One World Order.

    What the Elite Globlists Seek . . .

    Their basic fundamental desire is to increasingly transform our system of governance so that "we are moving from the system of representative government set forth in the U.S. Constitution to a system of collaborative policymaking by professional bureaucrats and business leaders. This outcome is precisely what the President's Council on Sustainable Development called for in its 1993 We Believe Statements . . ."(61)(62)

    Cancun, Mexico - the Trilateral Cabal Meet Again and . . .

    The 'new kid on the block' Prime Minister Harper of Canada stated: "We committed to further engage the private sector. We've agreed to set up a North American Competitiveness Council, made up of business leaders from all three countries, to advise us on ways to improve the competitiveness of our economies. They will meet with our ministers, identify priorities, and make sure we follow up and implement them."(63)

    President Fox chimed in with: "We have come to an end in this productive meeting, as you well know, with bilateral meetings yesterday, and today a trilateral meeting, a very productive one, followed by an enlarged meeting, trilateral-wise, with the attendance of the entrepreneurial community, business and investment of our three countries."(63)

    Three globalist elites and their coterie of wealthy puppet masters, governmental conspirators and CFR accomplices have collectively . . . piece by piece, made bi-lateral and tri-lateral agreements that have essentially eliminated our sovereignty without our consent. What they are putting into place has NO congressional approval or oversight, let alone approval from 'We the People.'

    They are doing it through the State Department which is headed by Rice (CFR) and filled with CFR members. Other governmental departments that are involved include Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense (Trilateral Commission and former CFR member). Chao (CFR) Secretary of Labor, Paulson, (CFR) the new Secretary of Treasury (former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs), and the new CIA chief Hayden (CFR). Essentially ALL the departments of the federal government's executive branch are involved in the destruction of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, laws and sovereignty. The 'Shadow Government' is an EYELASH away from taking over!

    Their Plan to Kill America by Stealth . . .

    Arrogantly . . . without submission to Congress for discussion and debate, or providing any ongoing major media exposure, President Bush issued executive orders to create 'working groups,' in most, if not all of the Departments of the Executive Branch under the direction and management of the Department of Commerce.

    Instead they posted on the website: "Following the March 23, 2005, launch of the SPP, each nation established Security and Prosperity working groups to fulfill the vision of the North American Heads of State. The working groups will consult with stakeholders; set specific, measurable, and achievable goals and implementation dates; and identify concrete steps the governments can take to achieve these goals. An initial report is due to Heads of Government on June 23 with semi-annual progress reports thereafter."(64)

    Just how will they do their 'end run around our sovereignty', eliminate the protection of our Constitution which George Bush calls "nothing but a goddamned piece of paper" and erode our Bill of Rights and freedoms? Exactly as CFR author Richard N. Gardner said they would . . . 'from the bottom up . . . piece by piece'.

    [b]Their methodology for accomplishing their goals include CFR 'task force' prescribed agendas and initiatives that will be actively pursued by 'working groups' inside the executive branch of our government. [/b]"Nearly every work plan is characterized by action steps described variously as 'our three countries signed a Framework of Common Principles' . . . or 'we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding . . . or 'we have signed a declaration of intent' . . . etc. Once again, none of the 30 or so working agendas makes any mention of submitting decisions to the U.S. Congress for review and approval. No new U.S. laws are contemplated for the Bush administration to submit to Congress. Instead, the plan is obviously to knit together the North American Union completely under the radar, through a process of regulations and directives issued by various U.S. government agencies."(65)

    Creating Stealth 'Working Groups' in the Dept. of Commerce . . .

    Manufactured Goods & Sectoral and Regional Competitiveness Working Group to ensure compatibility of regulations and standards and eliminating redundant testing and certification requirements. Explore new approaches to enhance the competitiveness of North American industries by promoting greater cooperation in sectors such as autos, steel, and other sectors identified through consultations.

    E-Commerce & ICT Working Group . . . agree on mutual recognition of technical requirements for telecommunications equipment, tests and certification; adopt a framework of common principles for e-commerce).

    Energy Working Group . . . facilitating investment in energy infrastructure, . . . enhancing cooperation to identify and utilize best practices, streamline and update regulations.

    Transportation Working Group . . . expanding market access, facilitating multimodal corridors, reducing congestion, and alleviating bottlenecks at the border that inhibit growth . . . initiate an Aviation Safety Agreement process, pursue smart border information technology initiatives, ensure compatibility of regulations and standards in areas such as statistics, motor carrier and rail safety, and working with responsible jurisdictions, develop mechanisms for enhanced road infrastructure planning, including an inventory of border transportation infrastructure in major corridors and public-private financing instruments for border projects).

    Food & Agriculture Working Group . . . enhanced laboratory coordination and information sharing; and increasing cooperation in the development of regulatory policy related to the agricultural biotechnology sectors in Canada, Mexico and the United States, through the work of the North American Biotechnology Initiative (NABI).

    Environment Working Group . . .Develop complementary strategies for oceans' stewardship by emphasizing an ecosystem approach, coordinating and integrating existing marine managed areas, and improving fisheries management.

    Financial Services Working Group . . . further collaboration on training programs for bank, insurance and securities regulators and supervisors.

    Business Facilitation Working Group . . . facilitate further the movement of business persons within North America

    Movement of Goods Working Group . . . procedures to allow speedy implementation of rules of origin modifications. Increase competitiveness by exploring additional supply chain options, such as by rationalizing minor differences in external tariffs, consistent with multilateral negotiation strategies.

    Health . . . cooperative efforts under the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, work towards the identification and adoption of best practices relating to the registration of medicinal products.(64)

    A phone call to the 'Office of Public Affairs' for the Dept. of Commerce found that the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) is being called a 'project.' That was the response to a query as to why the department's organizational list did not include a section called 'Security and Prosperity Partnership.' Now . . . why do you suppose they do not have it listed as a component of the Dept. of Commerce? Why the 'low key' innocuous identification of a major emphasis towards a North American Union called just a 'project'? Could it be more acts of stealth?(66)

    An interesting fact is that Carlos Gutierrez, the Secretary of Commerce, was born in Havana, Cuba and educated in Mexico.(67)

    The SPP is Creating Stealth Agreements Euphemistically Called . . .

    Framework of Common Principles
    Liberalization of Rules of Origin
    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
    Arrangement on the Use of
    Memorandum of Agreement
    Trilateral Documents setting out each country's procedures and planned changes
    Signed Declarations of Intent
    Harmonizing Strategies Agreed Upon
    Trilateral Agreements
    Harmonizing approaches discussed and created
    Totalization Agreements (INCLUDING social security)((6

    Public-Private Partnerships = Government-Business Partnerships

    BUSINESS OWNERS with vested economic interests are gleefully gaining direct access to the GOVERNMENT who is facilitating their interests. Under the aegis of the SPP, businesses are gaining entrée and accommodations directly from government departments in the executive branch without intercession and oversight by congress in order to protect 'We the People' from a government by plutocracy.

    According to Patrick Kilbride, executive director of the Council of the Americas' North American Business Committee "in partnership with United Parcel Service (UPS), will provide [on January 10-11, 2006] North American business leaders and government officials an opportunity for dialogue on the development and implementation of the SPP . . . [u]More than 40 private sector participants from companies including Ford Motor Company, Tyco, Exxon Mobil and Grupo IMSA are expected to join government officials from the U.S. departments of State and Commerce, Mexico's

  2. #2
    Super Moderator imblest's Avatar
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    This is why I'm voting for Ron Paul!!! This whole mess scares me to death for my child and grandchildren and we have to fight it!!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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    Senior Member NCByrd's Avatar
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    This is the best article I have read to date. Dr. Peterson is the one responsible for

  4. #4
    Senior Member USPatriot's Avatar
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    All of us need to pray Judicial Watch wins their battle to be present at the Aug. 20th SPP summit in Canada. That would blow the lid off this whole mess !!!!!!!

    Next question is,what can we do about it even if we know the truth for sure ???????
    "A Government big enough to give you everything you want,is strong enough to take everything you have"* Thomas Jefferson

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    Senior Member SOSADFORUS's Avatar
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    Please support ALIPAC's fight to save American Jobs & Lives from illegal immigration by joining our free Activists E-Mail Alerts (CLICK HERE)

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    Join Date
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    This is what it looks like to me:

    I freed thousands of slaves; I could have freed more if they knew they were slaves.
    --Harriet Tubman

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