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Barbara Anderson
May 15, 2006

The president is going to address the nation about the ILLEGAL alien problem. His position has been all along…… wall, no closure of the border, and give all the millions here a pathway to citizenship. For over five years of his presidency, this has been his aim. He has had plenty of time to secure the borders and give severe penalties to those businessmen or women who insist on hiring illegal aliens. During those five plus years millions of border crashers have come into the country, adding to the misery of taxpayers who are compelled to provide social services to them.

The RINOs in the Senate have been doing their best to accommodate the president and the fatcat business owners who are only interested in their bottom lines. They want an amnesty bill. We have seen in the last couple of weeks attempts to put lipstick on this pig by promising border security and by the paltry few arrests and detaining of ILLEGAL aliens and their employers. Of course, in 1986 people like Ted Kennedy were promising the same thing as is being promised now. The promises were not kept, nor is it likely they will be kept if another amnesty bill is passed. The same people who like unchecked illegal immigration with its cheap labor are the same ones who will be administering these laws.

There has been enough opposition to this bill from the base of the Republican Party that the president has had to enlist Democrats to help get the bill through.

Democrats are salivating at the prospect of millions more of low wage earners who will likely be compelled to use the generous social services being provided to illegal aliens now by taxpayers. They will be Democrat voters. Rank and file Republicans are scratching their heads at this giveaway of political advantage to the Democrats. However, elite, influential contributors to the Republican politicians are calling the tune and insisting on an endless flow of low wage earners.

Polls are consistently showing that over seventy percent of Americans do not want amnesty. Americans want closed borders and enforcement of the laws we have now. President Bush will likely not have to face these voters again, but all other Republican candidates will. They have been hearing a consistent message from their constituencies: build the wall, arrest those hiring illegal aliens, no amnesty for the border crashers already here. However, hoping to get some support, the pro-amnesty elites are now looking to the president to make his/their case to the American people.

There are three main proposals:

Senator Frist’s bill, S. 2454,

McCain/Kennedy bill, S. 1033

Specter’s proposal (no bill number)

According to the careful analysis of NumbersUSA, the MINIMUM number of permanent immigrants that would be allowed over the next ten year, are: 20 million under Frist’s bill, 25 million under the McCain/Kennedy bill, and 30 million under Specter’s proposal.

While Senator Frist’s proposal has been touted as Amnesty Lite, it is evident that there is nothing lite about the numbers. The McCain/Kennedy bill will add even more than the above figures because it also allows at least 400,000 foreign “guest workers” each and every year.

According to Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation:

“If enacted, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years, fully one-third of the current population of the United States”.

The ecological results would be devastating. Air pollution would multiply drastically, our roads would be clogged with emission spewing vehicles, water supplies would be stressed, and the usual refuse waste of population would increase. Have your senators told you about these results of the amnesty they are trying to push through?

What isn’t generally stated is that the millions of illegal aliens here that would be granted amnesty would be allowed to bring in family members, swelling these already massive numbers. What also is not mentioned often is the fact that any amnesty bill would apply to employers who have been breaking our laws all along. No longer could they be held legally accountable for hiring illegal aliens.

The most recently publicized amendment, that proposed by Hagel/Martinez, sets out a scale of amnesty for illegal aliens by time of occupancy in the United States. That is, those who have been in this country illegally for more than 5 years have an opportunity to adjust to legal status without leaving the country. How convenient. Illegal immigrants who have been here less than 5 years but more than 2 years will have an opportunity to obtain a temporary work visa. This amendment would not provide any benefits for any illegal immigrant who arrived here in the last 2 years. Who would admit to only being here for the last 2 years? This brings up the question: who will administer this program and check out the provisions necessary for ILLEGAL aliens to be able to qualify for these amnesties? We are told repeatedly that it would just be too hard to send several million Illegal aliens home, that it would cost too much. Verifying all these qualifications would be a bureaucratic nightmare. Those illegals here already have often used fake I.D. to get drivers’ licenses, Social Security numbers, voter privileges, etc. This favoritism shown to people who have broken our laws the longest makes no sense, and offends the fairness mentality of Americans.

We are also told that these millions would have to go to the end of the line and wait their turn. They will have the great advantage of being in the country, working and learning the way to survive, while those outside the country will be waiting patiently, jumping through all the bureaucratic hoops, to be able to enter the country. After having established families and homes here, how many of the illegals are going to stand for “going to the back of the line” and waiting their turns after the normal quota of people outside the country are allowed in? Chances are they will fade back into “the shadows” again rather than submit to deportation, if they do not fit into the quota of immigrants allowed by law into the country.

Senator Hagel, himself, who brokered the “compromise” legislation, recently echoed the de rigueur “pass the buck” excuse for not securing our borders. When it was mentioned by Senator Frist that he believed the National Guard should be brought in, Senator Hagel said “I think we have to be very careful here. That’s not the role of our military. That’s not the role of our National Guard. “ He dismissed the idea of a National Guard to protect our borders on ABC’s “This Week”. A similar excuse is used by local governments who say their job is not to apprehend people who are here illegally. Of course, that is an excuse to do nothing at all and it seems that nobody in government will take responsibility for securing our borders. Senator Hagel apparently has no ideas to stanch the massive flow of illegals across our borders, either.

A Reuters article by Susan Cornwell reports that “President Bush assured Mexican President Vincente Fox on Sunday he did not intend to militarize their countries’ mutual border, but was considering sending National Guard troops there to temporarily support border control efforts.

‘The president made clear that the United States considers Mexico a friend and that what is being considered is not militarization of the border, but support of border patrol capabilities on a temporary basis by National Guard personnel,’ White House spokeswoman Maria Tanburri said, describing a telephone conversation between Bush and his Mexican counterpart”.

Although the president’s speech comes at a time when his job approval ratings are sinking to the 30 percent level in some polls, he is quick to let the Mexican president know that any promised securing of the border with Mexico will be on a temporary basis. No matter that Fox has facilitated the millions of Mexican citizens coming here illegally. The Mexican government has actually issued a primer of how to enter, evade our law enforcement personnel, and how to access our social services. Mexican consulates have issued Matricula Consular “identification” to their citizens who are here illegally so they can move about our country more easily and get drivers’ licenses, (which in some states allows them to register to vote at the same time). The consulates interfere with our lawful detaining of their illegal aliens. These are not the activities of a friendly country.

In a Human Events Online article of May 15 2006 entitled “Come Home, Mr. President”, Representative Tom Tancredo offers some sensible advice in keeping with the practical NON-AMNESTY bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives:

“Americans are not in a mood to negotiate the matter of ‘regularization’ for 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens - and Newt Gingrich has pointed out that amnesty would ultimately legalize up to 36 million - until they see we have in fact achieved secure borders. Once that is done, once our laws are being enforced, then we can begin to discuss the problem of how to deal with the millions of illegal aliens already living here”.,,,,,,,,

“A new beginning is what we desperately need, and the President’s speech can do that if it is based on candor, on Republican principles and the priority of secure borders. Anything less will not only not be a new beginning, it may well be the end of Republican coherence and credibility”.

Strong words, but representing the majority of Americans polled who consistently are telling the president and the Senate they want borders controlled and no amnesty for lawbreakers. We shall see who is listening to their constituents instead of to businesses looking at only their bottom lines, and see who is pandering to a prospective voting bloc while ignoring the welfare of their present voting bloc. It will soon be evident just who the senators and the president are representing.

There has been a lot of lipstick applied to this pig of a bill, both to conceal its features and to enhance its appeal to voters, but underneath all the cosmetics it is still a pig.