Bob Barr gets it right on immigration
August 24, 2008 by Steve Adcock

Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr is the only candidate still in the race for the White House in 2008 that truly understands the issue of immigration. While the other two candidates insist on blowing smoke up the collective skirts of the American people, Barr’s unique grasp of this essential national security issue should put his candidacy at the forefront of American politics.

Barr understands that the borders need to be protected, but he also accurately pinpoints the availability of social services as one of the main driving forces behind the illegal immigration problem.

He writes on his campaign web site:

… we must end government benefits and services for illegal immigrants. Many local communities and states have begun to reduce payments to those who come here illegally, but a 1982 Supreme Court decision mandates that we provide education to the children of illegal immigrants. This detrimental ruling should be overturned through another Court challenge or a constitutional amendment.
Barr continues by attacking birthright citizenship and adds that publishing election ballots and other official documents in multiple languages needs to be ended, which contributes to the comfort and relative ease of living that illegal immigrants enjoy in the United States.

Both John McCain and Barack Obama keep a safe distance from this issue because neither want to be seen as the candidate who wants to take “benefitsâ€