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    Now I think we can understand why California is having such financial difficulty.

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ** Edmund Burke**

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    Comments On This Story

    Note: Comments reflect the views of readers and not necessarily those of the North County Times or its staff.

    dan wrote on January 20, 2007 11:49 PM:"why are we giving people who are in this country illegally money? This why everyone wants to come here. we pay people to raise their kids, even though they are not even citizens. "

    Jean wrote on January 20, 2007 11:56 PM:"How about stripping these anchor babies of their fake "citizenship" and deport them and their criminal parents back to their home country and then these freeloading parasites will NOT be freeloading off the backs of us hardworking, overtaxed American taxpayers? We are TIRED of paying for their welfare checks & food stamps, free medical care, subsidized housing, SSI and any other free benefits that are ONLY for U.S. citizens and which these blood-sucking leeches have absolutely NO right to and which these freeloading deadbeats neve paid a penny into? We are tired of their crime and racism and gangs they bring here as well as their drive-by shootings these lawless, corrupt, violent criminals bring here. Let the deportations begin!!! English ONLY!!!"

    Stop the Aid wrote on January 21, 2007 12:10 AM:"Even 5 years is too long. "

    Amazing wrote on January 21, 2007 12:13 AM:"Brian Billbray is a real piece of work. He's as heartless as they come. I can't believe he'd force parents to give up their children. Rip a child away from the parents they are familiar with and give them to Americans. Seems wrong. I don't believe that separating parents and children will solve the illegal immigration issue. "

    Ray wrote on January 21, 2007 12:15 AM:"AWWWWW....... Too bad!"

    Jay wrote on January 21, 2007 1:21 AM:"Paying illegal aliens nearly $500 per month for each child for 18 years is way too bizarre to even comment on. I wouldn't know where to begin. One thing I'd like to see though is a repeal of the law giving citizenship to the children of illegals or even foreign tourists just because they happen (or by design) to be here at the time of birth. Other western nations do it this way, why not us?"

    Smokey wrote on January 21, 2007 3:23 AM:"And foster care is a hell of a lot more expensive than giving kids $500 a month. Sounds like Blackmail to me. Ahnold sighn da paypa dam you. "

    Smokey wrote on January 21, 2007 3:31 AM:"To be fair we should give them the same amount of aid that their own Country would give them. Stop the MADNESS we dont owe every one a free ride. "

    legalatina wrote on January 21, 2007 4:22 AM:"I agree with Congressman Bilbray. At no time should any illegal alien of any age be receiving government welfare cash assistance. That is the job solely of the country of origin, in this case most likely Mexico. Mexico should be paying these "low-income" individuals here illegally. Ever wonder why so many illegal aliens flock to California? They are being supplied with free medical care, cash assistance, free in-state college tuition discounts, subsidized housing. To reward the families with these benefits is bankdrupting our nation - this is the duty of their own governments not ours. "

    American wrote on January 21, 2007 5:14 AM:"good, round them up and ship them back"

    Mars wrote on January 21, 2007 6:11 AM:"I'm a legal citizen, and the government doesn't give me money, why should illegals get any? I pay my taxes just like anyone else. I don't get a free ride! "

    Dickey wrote on January 21, 2007 6:43 AM:"Really, may I ask, Mr. Herald, what IS sacred? Our land that we've worked and fought so hard for? Our freedom that we are proud of and fortunate to have? Or those who are here ILLEGALLY and using OUR money to pay for their kids iPods? What's the incentive to make these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS become LEGAL if we'll just keep footing the bill? It's about preparing them ... we'll foot the bill for 5 years and in that time they can get their feet under them and do the paperwork/work it takes to become a citizen and find a good job. After that - what's the incentive? When do they ever have a chance to say "thanks" to the rest of the legal Americans/citizens for footing the bill for the last 5 years if they're never held accountable to it? Tell me... what IS sacred?"

    P wrote on January 21, 2007 6:47 AM:"Harold said that people who lose their $500 per month would be forced to give up their kids? Geesh they could take on a second or third job and make $500 per month. Would a parent really give up a child because they lost $500?"

    RWC wrote on January 21, 2007 7:09 AM:"Why are they getting this aid in the first place? They should go back to country they came from to obtain. Why does our government penalize its citizens and reward criminals? This is nuts!"

    Donna wrote on January 21, 2007 7:11 AM:"This stuff makes me nutz! The advocates for the undocumented workers, those who come into the country illegally, say it is a myth that they put a drain on the welfare system and that they not only pay their own way but contribute to our Soc Security and tax structure. Then I read they are draining almost $150 million of tax money to pay for their children. (and of course they don't believe in birth control and despite the cultural emphasis on the family, they don't seem to think marriage is important and a young adolescence is a good time to start having babies. "

    Karl wrote on January 21, 2007 7:13 AM:"Brian Bilbray is not forcing anyone to do anything. It was their choice to come here "illegally". It was their choice to have their children here to beat the system. How about the "heartless" government forcing me to pay for illegal activety?"

    Babies not a cash crop wrote on January 21, 2007 7:14 AM:"They need a sponsor who guarentees that they will cover these type of expenses. This is why we need comprehensive immigration reform. No public monies for illegal immigrants or for the anchor babies. The first born babies in Watts and Harlem and Detroit were sent home to Alabama or Mississippi to be raised; we don't need a financial incentive to have babies and to keep them here. "

    Todd wrote on January 21, 2007 7:38 AM:"Someone pinch me...i think I'm dreaming.It's about time Arnie and 5 years is 5 years to long.Hey Amazing,you pay for it all.Let them come over to your house and live for free!!Brian Bilbray is an angel sent from Heaven!!"

    Skip wrote on January 21, 2007 7:41 AM:"The illegal alien magnet has to be turned off. There are just too many of them and they continue to come with no control or screening. Just what percent of South America are we willing to support?"

    Anchors Away wrote on January 21, 2007 7:44 AM:"Dan, the babies born here to illegal immigrants are citizens; that's the problem and it will take a constitutional amendment to fix it. "

    To Amazing wrote on January 21, 2007 8:04 AM:"Brian Billbray is right on the money. The reason the illegals have so many children is to use them to get more money. Now that's heartless!"

    morty wrote on January 21, 2007 8:21 AM:"i had a friend who took two mexicans in and they grew up with her kids no one payed her.the mother didnt want is friend wasnt paid to do this."

    jorge wrote on January 21, 2007 8:37 AM:"thank you for all the free stuff, we love it here. I think we should have more kids because the government will give me more money to raise it. Thanks again, we're not going back."

    Janice wrote on January 21, 2007 8:50 AM:"Send the illegal parents back ,keep the American born children in group homes,on an allowance, they may be appreciative when they are adults and help their families enter USA the correct way."

    Sorry AMAZING wrote on January 21, 2007 8:53 AM:"These people are FELONS and have broken our laws. Send the kids back to their parents home country with their parents. Send them ALL BACK! I am tired of footing the bill for ILLEGAL aliens. You people better let all these darn Dems know how you feel too because they are getting ready to give them amnesty. I am a registered Democrat and I am finally realizing they are no better than the Republicans. Lou Dobbs for president!"

    Rob wrote on January 21, 2007 8:57 AM:"We have to work and pay for everything and they get all the handouts and everything ,including healthcare if free for them.Us white folks get nothing for free and we are paying for everything out of our hard earned money. Get rid of them!!!"

    John wrote on January 21, 2007 9:00 AM:"I don't umderstand. If they are illegal and they try to get taxpayer paid prenatel care would not that identify them. That would be the time to deport them. We would then not have to pay for the prenatel, the birth or the continued care."

    Business Owner wrote on January 21, 2007 9:03 AM:"We as Business Owners will go to jail and pay a large fine if we hire an ILLEGAL but the state of California gives them money, this is crazy, get them out of the USA and give to our legal childrens famlies that need the help I say since they have all their address on file at the WELFARE office go get them and round them up and drop them off in their country ASAP"

    To Amazing wrote on January 21, 2007 9:16 AM:"In response to your post of 1/21/07 at 12:13 am. It's the parents' choice whether or not they want the kids to stay with them. Nobody is "ripping" them away from them."

    rose wrote on January 21, 2007 9:20 AM:"Great news for a change. Arnold has the right plan. Enough.. The illegals will stop coming and making children. That they have only for the perks. Stop using our money. That people who were born here don't even receive. That's why they walk the streets all day and play cards in the parks. Heck 4 kids each. Easy money and easy living on the taxpayer's expense."

    valley wrote on January 21, 2007 9:24 AM:"No more free rides..... Simple..... I'm out of work. No checks come in the mail. Even as a senior. They can all go back to Mexico. To their loved ones and take the kids with them. Go see their new president. Tell him they love their country again. Their home and need cash......."

    PO'ed wrote on January 21, 2007 9:29 AM:"Is that $491/month for each child? Seems like a great incentive to have a big family. The only aid illegal immigrants should have is room and board while in jail being sent back."

    Lyn wrote on January 21, 2007 9:41 AM:"What happened to the old tried and true method of comming into the USA only under the sponsorship of a family that would soley provide for you until you were a citizen. This would be a perfect opportunity for Arcela Nunez-Alvarez, Herald and others of that mindset to personally provide for the families/children they express such concern for!"

    fedup wrote on January 21, 2007 9:44 AM:"Go Billbray! This is a great first step! Yes, we should not take children from the ILLEGALS, just send them all back to where they came from. Simple!"

    singlemomof3 wrote on January 21, 2007 9:52 AM:"Citizens of this country are limited to 60 months on welfare. Why would illegal immigrants be able to get a payment until the child reaches 18? It makes no sense at all. Something must be done"

    R2 wrote on January 21, 2007 9:54 AM:"The Welfare system needs a complete overhaul. It should be revised so that these families would receive financial assistance for the amount of ONE child ONLY, no matter how many kids they have. Maybe by doing so, these women will be more certain to use birth control. Another perk that needs to be abolished should be WIC. I see these women in the grocery stores with their boyfriends/husbands cashing in WIC coupons. Then I see them driving off in a new SUV! Where's the justice in that? Give WIC benefits to our citizen parents with low-incomes!"

    CSUSM Politics wrote on January 21, 2007 9:56 AM:"CSUSM and the National Latino Research Center has repeatedly addressed the Escondido City Council berating them for their improper use of statistics about the effects of illegal immigration. Now NLRC makes bald political assertions without study or facts. It is clear that the NLRC is a a platform for latino political hacks to spew out biased sound bites under the guise of sound policy using the respectability of the CSU system as cover. NLRC and CSUSM lack academic credibility!"

    Dickey wrote on January 21, 2007 10:27 AM:"Curious as to why my comments from earlier today haven't been published? Happening a lot this week.... who's in charge of publishing our comments? Mighty they have a bias?"

    American too wrote on January 21, 2007 10:28 AM:"Illegal immigrant parents are more than entitled to take their dual citizenship (American and Mexican) children back to Mexico and live together. Their choices are to live here without taxpayer subsidies or go back to Mexico where there are no subsidies. Seriously, what a deal, have babies and have the governemnt take care of you. It almost sounds like a hint of communism to me. But then again, I could be blinded by overwhelming objectivity."

    IT'S ABOUT TIME! wrote on January 21, 2007 10:29 AM:"Cutting off aid won't force them to give up thier children. Cutting off all, AND ANY aid, will only FORCE THEM to either move back to their own country because the free ride stopped, or do like the rest of us Americans and become legal, working, struggling to make a living, responsible tax paying people!"

    Star wrote on January 21, 2007 10:32 AM:"Absolutely, 5 years is too long,stop the insanity! Illegal parents equal illegal children whom are UNDER the jurisdiction of Mexico, no entitlements for illegal aliens. Fools, our tax money should be used for American children ONLY and that isn't racist. Stop flinching when they call you a racist. Deportation of the entire family is the remedy, what part of ILLEGAL is not understood?? "

    Marie wrote on January 21, 2007 10:39 AM:"Why give any money at all? They are not supposed to be here and broke the law!!! As for the "poor children", let me ask the bleeding hearts: who's fault is it? The illegal PARENTS of those children. Got it? "

    Liz wrote on January 21, 2007 10:45 AM:"Dang, where do I sign up for my five years of free money? I thought the Katrina debit card thing was a fiasco, but I wonder how many CA taxpayers even knew this reward system existed?"

    Oh please! wrote on January 21, 2007 10:47 AM:"I wouldn't deny ANY child nutrition, however maybe it's time to make 'em line up for their free food once a week and have clean decent hand-me-downs for the kids. This no accountability is just proof that money is spent on the kids whatsoever? Let the ACLU lawyers start building orphanages. Heartless, yes indeed and I can't even believe I am typing that, but it's time to put a stop to this travesty. We have seniors & veterans scraping to get by. They'd more than likely give their last crumb to a hungry child, but shouldn't we be taking better care of our own first?"

    Peter wrote on January 21, 2007 10:49 AM:"The mother was in this country illegally and the child should not have citizen status... Nevertheless Brian your wrong, send the child back with the parents!"

    Explanation of Benefits wrote on January 21, 2007 10:54 AM:"I would rather give the $500 per month to the homeless people living in our canyons who are here legally or citizens. Why do American taxpayers pick up the tab for hospitalization for the illegals to have their children, give them $500 a month to support their children and spend untold millions teaching them English and educating them? And all the while they send billions home to Mexico as our citizens who by whatever means are literally living on the streets! When the census workers track down the homeless, give them my portion of the taxes I paid that is going to support illegals who broke the law to enter the country. Charity begins at home and I'm willing to put my tax dollars where my mouth is. Oh, yeah, that isn't an option on my tax return..."

    Democrat Robert wrote on January 21, 2007 11:01 AM:"Rep Bilbray is right on this issue as he has been for years. Its clear that the parents are only sucking our tax dollars by hiding behind children. Have they no same. Get legal foster care or go home and come back legal. Either way get your lazy butts off your childrens backs and those of the taxpayers. If you dont care for those choices .. Go Home to Mexico and see what benefits they have for you there!"

    Jobs Americans Won't Do wrote on January 21, 2007 11:22 AM:"The number one job Americans are unwilling to do: 1. Enforce immigration laws. "

    Roberto wrote on January 21, 2007 11:23 AM:"Arcela Nunez-Alvarez, associate director of the National Latino Research Center at Cal State San Marcos. "The kids will be paying the consequences." The kids of United States citizen's are already paying the consequences of illegal immigrant children. Why shouldn't they? I agree with amazing. They should not be “ripped” from their parents. The entire lot should be deported."

    Tired of it wrote on January 21, 2007 11:23 AM:"Not only should we stop all payments to illegals, we should also suspend NAFTA and any aid given to Mexico and other nations that have a history of supporting violations of our laws. We as citizens need a class action lawsuit against Mexico to help recover the funds that we have spent to support their problem. Remember, its not just $491 a month, its also the financial strain on our education and health systems as well."

    Roberto wrote on January 21, 2007 11:30 AM:"Suzette wrote on January 20, 2007 7:21 AM: To Mr. Richard Everett you should not believe everything you read. Believe me the illegal immigrants are not getting all the "free" benefits you wrote about. I work for the social services department and it is my job to determine the eligibility of all those who come in for aid and believe me illegal immigrants do not qualify for such services. Well Ms. Suzette, do I believe this or you? Sounds like we need some new people working in social services."

    Bilbray isn't heartless! wrote on January 21, 2007 11:46 AM:"Mr. Bilbray is looking out for the good of his community! Illegal immigration is destroying it. Giving these families money is a travesty!If the illegals can't survive here, then they need to pack up their families and return to their homelands!!"

    Taxpayer wrote on January 21, 2007 11:49 AM:"To hell with the illegals - deport every one of them!"

    Tony wrote on January 21, 2007 12:30 PM:"I wonder if you went to Mexico and had a kid how much money would their government give you? NOTHING."

    Skip wrote on January 21, 2007 12:45 PM:"To all people unhappy with the comments about "Illegal Aliens": I offer you the following : It is not the immigrants that are the problem, It is the shear numbers of Immigrants! There are absolutely more illegal aliens in this state, and still coming here day after day then you could possible imangine. We are at the breaking point at being able to support and absorb them. Why do you think Escondido wants to limit housing to Illegals?"

    Janice wrote on January 21, 2007 12:45 PM:"When all the illegals get deported,and their young ones get to remain who will do all the work?we need them for at least that.Whites,blacks blues and greens think labor is beneath them.Not only California would be affected ,all over the USA"

    Tina wrote on January 21, 2007 1:09 PM:"If those children suffer it is not because of the American taxpayer. They suffer because of their parents' bad choices. They knew when they came here illegally about the consequences. It is time that the American taxpayer stops being blamed for everthing and including bad choices made by them. If the aid is cut off those children should not go to foster home, they should be sent back to where their parents came from along with their parents. Enough is enough and our own elected officials along with the ACLU and other sympathizers continue to aid and abet a foreign criminal. Illegals know exactly what they are up against and have been briefed on what they can get and not get. Start blaming them and send them back. Sure see many of them looking like they just came from across the border and playing dollar machines at the Indian casinos and our elected officials tell Americans that these people will starve??? I don't think so. They're out gambling monies that should go to their children. First and third of the month the casinos are packed with them. I play nickels, they play dollars. I guess they do have more money by not paying taxes!"

    Can you say taking advantage of the United States citizens! wrote on January 21, 2007 1:11 PM:"These people amaze me!! First of all they break our federal laws by stealing into our country, then they work under the table not paying taxes. Then to top the whole thing off, they accept $500 a month for their anchor babies! Shame on you illegals or better yet,shame on us for allowing these criminals to take advantage of us!! Deport every last one of those criminals now!! "

    Freddy wrote on January 21, 2007 1:14 PM:"The trouble's roots are in having paid them in the first place. Now the choices are to (1)stop paying them now, and in reality wherein they will become an even greater burden on society at large. (2)Deporting them with their children. (3)Asking Mexico to send moeny to support their citizens here(lol). The payments should never had been made in the first place. What may be a solutions is to enforce currently immigration laws; not pay for current births to foreign women and not granting citizenship rights to new borns of foreigners. All of the above are horrible consequences to a condition that should not have been permitted in the first place. Who is willing to bite the bullet--Probably no one--and so the losing game goes on."

    Taylor wrote on January 21, 2007 1:15 PM:"feed our homless citizens and give them HUD. send them to school. they already speak English (saven there).Soon they will have a job and will be paying taxes and spending money in the Great U.S.A. not sending it to a 3rd world country...."


    Skip wrote on January 21, 2007 1:25 PM:"To all people unhappy with the comments about "Illegal Aliens", I offer you the following : It is not the immigrants that are the problem, It is the shear numbers of Immigrants! There are absolutely more illegal aliens in this state, and still coming here day after day then you could possible imangine. We are at the breaking point at being able to support and absorb them. Why do you think Escondido wants to limit housing to Illegals?" Last night another 6,000 illegal Aliens snuck over our southern border."

    For Those of You Who Missed It wrote on January 21, 2007 1:44 PM:"Please read this story in today's NCT. ... _20_07.txt"

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