Published Thursday, July 13, 2006 ... G/60713005

Putnam Urges Caution on Immigration Prosecutions

By Kevin Bouffard
The Ledger

U.S. Rep. Adam Putnam is pressing White House officials to rein in a proposed Department of Homeland Security rule that would make it easier to prosecute employers for hiring illegal immigrants.

``I'm going to point out the importance of crafting a rule in a thoughtful and responsible way so employers will not be dragged into an unacceptable situation simply because they're not document experts,'' Putnam told The Ledger today from Washington. ``I will ask for a delay of implementation until then.''

Putnam spoke while en route to a meeting with Karl Rove, the Bush administration's top political and domestic policy adviser.

After the meeting, also attended by other unidentified congressmen, Putnam offered no details.

``We had a very good discussion about immigration and the challenges we face in securing our borders and moving toward a guest-worker program,'' he said.