By Frosty Wooldridge
August 15, 2005

In 1865, after this country fought a bloody civil war that killed millions of Americans over one issue, SLAVERY, President Lincoln presented those slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. It freed every black person to follow “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.� Other than being free of slavery, blacks suffered until, in the 1960’s, Dr. Martin Luther King marched, spoke and demonstrated for equality of African-Americans.

American blacks were bombed in churches, lynched, hounded and arrested for as little as holding a seat on a bus before King arrived on the scene. When he gave his life, Watts burned. Riots erupted in Chicago and Atlanta exploded with violence. Everyone remembers Selma, Alabama. We now have Martin Luther King Day.

History illustrates that enslaved people will not tolerate continual exploitation forever.

Today, the “Barons of Industry� in corporations across America ‘employ’ millions in a new slave class for the 21st century. This illegal alien slave class grows by three million annually and numbers over 20 million.

President George Bush, a man who has never soiled his hands with a hard day’s work for a day’s pay in his life, promotes illegal alien migration by saying, “They do work that Americans won’t do.� What he really means is--corporations welcome illegal aliens so they can work for slave wages which aids his corporate friends to help buy more Lear Jets and drive Rolls Royces along with a third home in Aspen, Colorado. What’s he’s really saying is that Americans can’t earn a decent living at such wages, so it’s okay to have millions of illegal aliens living 20 to a trailer and suffering inhumane conditions in ghettoes forming across the USA. They are called ‘colonias’ or ‘new neighborhoods’. These are our new slave class.

Does this not fit President Bush? “Is there not some curse deep in hell, a curse full of fire and torment, a curse that is greatest of all to a man who would place his personal fortune over his allegiance to his country.�

The New York Times reported that colonias began in 1985 on our side of the border from Brownsville, Texas all the way to San Diego, California. They numbered 170,000. By 1985, their numbers grew to 500,000 and in 2000, they exceeded one million. They do not enjoy roads, electricity, sewage, medical care, schooling or running water. They are expected to exceed 20 million inhabitants by 2021. They work at slave wages for ranchers, meant packing plants and hotels not only along the Border States, but in the cities and rural towns all over America.

This new slave class cuts costs to employers while all of us pay a HUGE price in services to illegal alien slaves. A few make obscene profits, American taxpayers pay for schooling, medical, ESL classes, free lunches to slave poor, prison costs, crime, drugs and diseasesâ€â€