Illegal Immigrants and American Patriots
By Matt McDonald
Jun 16, 2005, 13:05

>Did you know that there are a group of people that are threatening the sovereignty of America? No, it is not the Democrats and the Liberals (though I would wish it was). It is not terrorists from Iran or Syria or even North Korean. It's not even those around the world who hate America. The very sovereignty of our great Nation is being threatened by the millions of people in our Country that should not be here.

Now I know it is not politically correct to call these people what they really are. They are referred as "guest workers" or "people who are here without papers" or "undocumented migrant workers", but according to the laws that governs this great Nation they are illegal immigrants who are criminals and deserve to be deported back to the country that they came from.

Now there are those who make the argument that the reasons that they are here far exceeds the crimes that they are committing. They say things like "They are only here so that they can better their lives." or "They are here so that they can work and send the money back to their children." or even "They are here because there are jobs that they will do that Americans will not."

In all reality those are legitimate arguments, I mean who would want a child in Mexico to starve or a child in Cuba not to be properly clothed? But no matter how legitimate the argument or reason is, a person that has come to America illegally is a criminal and deserves to be deported because he or she did not follow the proper protocol of becoming an American citizen.

From the Founding Fathers in the Revolutionary War to the brave men and women serving in Iraq right now, many people have shed their blood for the sovereignty of America. From General George Washington to General Tommy Franks hundreds of thousands of people have paid the ultimate price for their Country and in defending the sovereignty of it and when people come into this country illegally they tread upon the great price that these American Patriots paid.

Not only are these illegal immigrants criminals for the main fact that they have come into this country illegally; it’s is well know that many of them do not pay taxes, many of them drive automobiles with out licenses or insurance, many of them are committing social security fraud, many of them have incurred great medical debt that will never be paid, many of them receive some type of welfare that they do not deserve and many of them have committed multiple crimes and have no respect for the laws that govern this Nation.

It is time for the citizens of America to revolt against these illegal immigrants. It is time that the brave Patriots of America to stand up and have their voices heard. It is time that we start to hold our government accountable for the lack of control on our borders and it is time that we start to put America first again.

This summer I am going to organize the Maine Minutemen Party and I am looking for other Patriots in Maine that would be willing to work to make people aware of this great problem of illegal immigration.