Illegal immigrants do not contribute much

I take exception to the notion that illegal aliens are contributing to our coffers “as much as any American citizen who buys merchandise in the store and pays rent.“

The paltry 6 percent state sales tax hardly pays for the problems illegal aliens create when they drive without licenses, insurance and proper registrations.

The sales tax hardly pays for the police, courts, probation supervision needed when illegal aliens commit crimes.

The sales tax hardly pays for the medical services needed to keep them and their children healthy when they don't have health insurance.

Spend some time at Social Services or Social Security, and see the number of illegal aliens applying for benefits they have not earned. The 6 percent sales tax doesn't cover those expenses.

And when one house is rented by 10, 15 or more people, and the money received is being used to bring more illegal aliens into this country, Americans are not benefiting.

Maybe the English-only ordinances aren't the ultimate answer. However, attempting to obfuscate the epidemic of illegal immigration with milk-toast editorials isn't the solution.

Flo P. Smith - Middletown, MD ... 2362.shtml