Admitted Incompetence
"We have a responsibility as the U.S. Government to police our borders and we are doing the best we can" - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

So says U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in response to questions about the private citizens group formed to patrol the border and calling themselves the Minuteman Project.

Gonzales is, of course, correct. The U.S. government does have a responsibility to patrol the border. It should not be up to a private citizens group. The rejoinder: So do it! Do your job. To his suggestion that the U.S. government is doing the best they can. The only way to put it is, BS!

And that is what we just heard from the Bush administration by way of its Attorney General. But there is more.

According to Gonzales, civilian volunteers patrolling for illegal immigrants in Arizona have the right to assemble at the border. But he says their approach isn't an effective way to stop people from sneaking into the country.

By all news accounts, successful border crossings at the section of the U.S. Mexican border patrolled by the Minutemen have been zero. And before the Minuteman project showed up. Here is an account by just one family living on the border. You be the judge.

Robin said she hears gunshot every night on her ranch. Has no idea exactly where it is coming from. Since the Minutemen arrived, she claims the gunshots have stopped.

The family's ranch is stampeded by illegal crossings. Years ago, they said their ranch was peaceful and safe. That it was rare to see illegal crossers.

The husband, Edward, said he was recently on his property and was astounded to count over 200 illegal crossers in a group nearby. He said he called the border patrol on his cellular phone.

He was told by the woman on the phone that it was not possible to see 200 hundred crossers because they would never cross in such a large group. As he was being told this, the 200 were crossing right before his eyes! (full account here)

That's one family and one report. And by every report there are not a couple hundred or even a hundred hundred illegals crossing into the U.S. There are now 10 million people living illegally in the U.S., most of whom crossed the U.S. Mexico border through property owned by people like Robin and Edward.

If the situation was not so infuriating, Gonzalez's statement would be laughable. His statements, though, are an insult to the intelligence of anyone that has even the slightest idea of what is going on with our borders. Either Gonzalez thinks we are all that stupid or he has just admitted his own incompetence.

Gonzales: Volunteers aren't the best way

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Gee apparently Mr Gonzalez your best isn't good enough. If this is your best, I'd hate to see what your worst is.