
Illegal Immigrants Using Your Tax Dollars?

The number of illegal immigrants in the United States who are enjoying the benefits given to American Citizens is on the rise.

That ends up costing you, the taxpayer.

A baby born to parents here illegally is an instant American citizen.

There is also free health care financed by taxpayers.

Once an immigrant crosses the border, the reward is enjoy the free perks with little to fear from the Department of Labor or immigration authorities.

A vast ring of fake document dealers feed this network.

A fake or stolen social security card gets an undocumented immigrant a job in almost any industry.

Citizens living here near the Mexican border say they have noticed those getting the American benefits.

Roman Gomez from West El Paso says, "Sometimes there's just a bunch of freeloaders that just come and take advantage of what the U.S. has."

Blanca Hernandez from Sunland Park, New Mexico says, "We work real hard to have everything we have, and these people from Mexico come over here and they get all the benefits. They drive good cars full of jewelry, eat at expensive resturants."

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has even noticed the problem, saying that the amount of people taking advantage of the system is overwhelming.