... 20313/1006

Published Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Illegal immigrants will ruin Missouri

As a recent Missouri resident from California, I have the obligation to warn the decent taxpaying people of this state what we can expect if illegal immigration is not controlled here. Taxpayers will pay more for law enforcement, prisons, welfare programs, educating the children of illegals and for county hospitals. Drugs and crime will rise dramatically, entry-level jobs will disappear, and skilled construction workers' wages will be cut in half. The only people who benefit from illegal immigration are the un-American, greedy employers who love cheap labor.

I urge my fellow Missourians to contact our senators and tell them to vote yes on the James Sensenbrenner Border Security bill coming up before Congress this month.

Candidates and politicians who are deemed soft on illegal immigration or who favor amnesty should be passed over or voted out of office in the upcoming election. I experienced my once beautiful Golden State (California) turned into a bankrupt, crime-ridden, Third World toilet, and I don't want to see the same thing happen here in Missouri.

The stakes are too high for us not to get involved on the illegal immigration issue. Remember, Missouri didn't know what meth was a few years ago, either ...

John Main, Pleasant Hope