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By Charles Seay Sr.

With the massive influx of illegal immigrants, the American laborer is under attack.

This is a situation that must be controlled. We are being invaded. The reason that immigrants want to come to this country may well be for the same reason our forefathers came, for a better life.

If we are truly a nation of laws and the premise that no person is above the law, then the laws must be strictly enforced. I would imagine that most immigrants would prefer to have legal status when they entered this country. There is a process for being legal in this country. If I have to abide by the laws of this nation, then so should everyone else entering our country. I’m sure that Mexico and other South American nations would insist upon the same from United States citizens.

We must deport anyone who is caught and not legally in this country. We must streamline the process for allowing entry into this country and we must have a way to locate and check on any immigrant who enters this nation.

No social programs should be granted to illegal immigrants, absolutely none. The reason that most people come to this country is for jobs. Many send money back to Mexican citizens, which strengthens the Mexican economy at a cost to ours. Money returned to other countries is not spent in this nation, which creates more jobs.

The costs to the United States workers are enormous. Illegals cause a reduction in the average wage rate in this nation. This makes it impossible for American citizens to provide for their own families. I have just hit upon why the government of the United States has not been willing to strictly enforce the current immigration laws. Federal politicians are in bed with big business that wants illegal immigrants in this nation to provide lower-paid workers which in turn provides greater corporate profits. In a capitalistic society, profits are the driving factor. If it is necessary to turn to greed in order to secure greater profits each year the corporate boards have no conscience in how those profits are achieved. In achieving higher profits by using illegal workers, the American middle class is being decimated.

The argument that illegal immigrants are paying taxes just doesn’t hold water. Mob bosses pay taxes on revenues of illegal enterprises. Even though the taxes paid are legal, the businesses are not. One right does not forgive a wrong.

When people enter this nation illegally they are in violation of United States’ law upon crossing the imaginary line between Mexico and Canada. All of their acts are illegal because they are here under illegal circumstances.

The American worker will speak loudly during the electoral cycle. Jobs and the middle class in this country are under assault. Being able to have a job paying a living wage and being able to afford a home is the basis for homeland security. We in this nation are in a fight for our own homeland security. Must we all become minutemen again for our own protection?

Charles Seay Sr. is a resident of Dickson County. His column appears weekly in The Dickson Herald. Seay can be reached at