Illegals causing too many problems
September 21, 2008

A friend told me of a letter to the editor [Sept. 1] whose writer had been in a car accident caused by an illegal immigrant. She went on to say he had been let go while she and her insurance company were stuck with the damages.

I don't care who you are, that's not right.

We've heard the pros on this issue. Most of them are here to earn a living. While true, many of them don't share our customs or care to speak our language. Our nation spends not millions, but billions of dollars a year on services for illegal immigrants.

Thousands of Americans lose their lives each year because of the actions of "undocumented immigrants," whether it be accidents, drunk driving, murder, etc. They occupy our federal prisons.

Illegal immigration is directly responsible for many drugs, gangs, terrorists and a variety of criminals coming across our border unchecked! And they are coming to Tennessee.

Who's responsible for all this? As John McCain would say (and I suppose he's talking about himself as well on this issue), the do-nothing, me-first and country-second crowd in Washington.

Fueling the machine are thousands of lobbyists representing businesses that would rather turn a profit than consider the welfare of the nation.

Tennessee must have laws in place that makes them want to go somewhere else.

Clarksville , TN ... /809210323