Fatal wreck causes father to seek changes in Kansas vehicular homicide law

The Kansas City Star

After the sentencing of a man in the case, Dennis Bixby (left) on Wednesday talked about the wreck that killed his daughter. Nearby, Bill Nichols hugged his daughter, Katelynn Witt, who was injured in the accident. Bixby is seeking changes in the Kansas vehicular homicide law.

KEITH MYERS | The Kansas City Star

Amanda Bixby

Ricardo Flores .

Ricardo Flores was speeding and driving without a license when he ran a stop sign and caused a Valentine’s Day wreck that killed 19-year-old Amanda Bixby.

On Wednesday, Leavenworth County Judge Gunnar Sundby fined 21-year-old Flores $170 and sentenced him to six months of probation.

Now Bixby’s father wants to change the vehicular homicide law, which authorities said tied their hands in this case.

“One hundred and seventy dollars,â€