This is the letter I sent to Senator Dole. How's this sound to everyone? Do you think she got my point? Senator Burr is next but his email isn't working. Probably overrun with stunned emails at his actions on this issue.

I am dismayed and sickened by your vote today regarding the AgJobs Amnesty. I do not understand how you can completely ignore the effect on our Nation regarding illegal immigrants. The unemployment rate among the 12 million American adults who do not have a high school diploma is almost 9 percent and the unemployment rate among Black Americans is 10.5 percent. Unskilled, American workers are the most vulnerable to unemployment. Increasing the number of H-2B workers will reduce the number of jobs available to these Americans, drive down wages, and drive up unemployment.
I'm sure you realize that once respect is lost, it is hard to regain. I could never vote for someone I no longer respect or feel I can depend on to do what her constituents depend on her to do. Please consider the feelings of your constituents in any remaining legislation regarding the criminal actions of illegal immigrants. This is not a moral issue. This is an issue of criminal actions by illegal immigrants and the social services they receive while they are here. Once they get here, they do not leave. You know this Senator. You are not a stupid woman.
I pray God will guide you in the future to do your duty. That duty is to your constituents and to our Nation.
It is a sad day in our Country and I am ashamed that the Senators from the great State of North Carolina did not send the message that 90% of North Carolinians are not behind increasing the numbers of H-2B workers.
Please reply to this and tell me how to explain to children the fact that our lawmakers reward the criminal actions of illegal immigrants and discipline the actions of the Citizens of the United States of America.
I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in you, Senator Dole. I hope you will change my mind before our next election.
Sincerely and with much regret,