Well, if illegals pay so much taxes California ought to be in great shape. How can anyone even begin to estimate what 'people living in the shadows' pay in taxes?

Illegals found to pay $400 million in taxes

February 15, 2008

By Dena Potter - RICHMOND (AP) — Illegal aliens contribute an estimated $400 million to Virginia's economy annually in taxes, according to a study released yesterday by a group hoping to counter some illegal-alien criticism in the legislature.

The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis estimates that illegal aliens contribute between $379 million and $453 million a year in income, sales, property and other taxes.

"Some of the strongest voices against immigration in Virginia have characterized undocumented immigrants as takers, as people who do not contribute to our state and to our community. This research clearly demonstrates that they are wrong," said Michael Cassidy, executive director of the organization.

The study recognizes there is no way to calculate exactly how much illegal aliens pay in taxes.

It uses figures from a 2005 Pew Hispanic Center study that estimates there are 250,000 to 300,000 illegal aliens in Virginia. The center estimates that Virginia's at least 109,000 undocumented households earn an average of $27,400 annually, resulting in about $3 billion in income.

"Like all other workers in our state, they spend that money," Mr. Cassidy said. "And like most low-wage workers, they spend almost all of that money."

Mr. Cassidy said the study accounted for about $4,000 each year that would be sent back to the alien's home country and not put back into the economy.

The study estimated that about half of the illegal-alien workers paid income taxes, meaning they and their employers also contributed to Social Security and Medicare, benefits they are ineligible to receive.

The study was not enough to convince some legislators that undocumented aliens contribute to society.

"Most of them are here to take what they can, send it home and not assimilate and not do what immigrants for the last 200 years have done in this country by coming here and wanting to become Americans," said Republican Delegate Jeffrey M. Frederick of Prince William, where the local government has taken strides to crack down on illegal aliens.

"They want to come here and take what they can and send it home and leave when they can — take billions of dollars out of our economy and send it to Central and South America," he said.

Mr. Frederick authored at least five bills against illegal aliens.

Out of more than 100 bills filed in the House, measures succeeded that would prohibit illegal aliens from attending public colleges and universities, deny bail for and report to federal authorities those in the country illegally who commit crimes, require businesses to lose their licenses if the owners are convicted of hiring illegal aliens, and require the governor to enter into an agreement with federal immigration officials to enforce illegal-alien laws.

The Senate has been less receptive to legislation against illegal aliens.
