Illegals involved in three deaths

By Scott Harper, May 11, 2007

In November, 21-year-old Ladislao Bostos — an illegal immigrant — was sentenced to 26 years in prison after pleading guilty to the May 27, 2006 murder of Georgetown resident Sherry Keyes.
The murder happened inside a room at the Bayview motel. Police say Bostos had been living in Georgetown illegally for about four years when the slaying occurred.
In September of last year, illegal immigrant Ramon Hernandez, 26, was arrested for the death of his 9-week-old daughter, Judith. Police allege Hernandez, in a fit of rage, smashed

the baby’s head against a wall. She was hospitalized for 40 days before the life support system was disconnected.
Now, Georgetown police are trying to determine if it has happened again.
Investigators are looking into the legality of the residency of 29-year-old Oliverio Sanchez-Lopez. He was arrested last week and is charged with the murder of 17-year-old Delfi Gonzales Roblero who was found shot to death in the mobile home he lived in with his family at 2525 Highmarket Street. Sanchez-Lopez lived in a mobile home next door to Roblero. Robbery, police say, was the motive. Roblero’s wallet was missing when he was found.
Since his arrest, Sanchez-Lopez has said very little to police, according to Georgetown Police Capt. Nelson Brown.
“He’s lawyered up and once they do that we can’t talk to them without their lawyer,â€