Wednesday, 07 Aug 2013 04:45 PM
By Bill Hoffmann

Rep. Paul Broun says any immigration reform adopted by Congress should not offer amnesty or legal status that condones unlawful entry into the U.S. — changes that would cost taxpayers a whopping $54 billion.

“We've got to be a nation that is ruled by law, not by man, and we've got what's estimated as 11 million plus illegal aliens in this country that have broken the law,” Broun, a Georgia Republican, told “The Steve Malzberg Show” on Newsmax TV.

“If we give them amnesty then it's going to be a tremendous economic burden on the American taxpayers. In fact, it's estimated it's going to cost $54 billion per year to give these illegal aliens amnesty.”

Last week, Broun introduced House Resolution HR-326 to prohibit amnesty or legal status for those who illegally entered the country.

“I will not support any legislation that has any semblance to the Senate bill … we must enforce the law, the laws that are on the books,” Broun said.

“The only new laws I'd like to see put in place right now is one to make English the official language of America, but we must secure the border first and foremost. Until then nothing else matters.”

Broun said he is concerned with Democratic New York Sen. Chuck Schumer’s statement that he is OK with get the bill passed in the House, even if it is done in piecemeal fashion — as long as there is “some path to citizenship” for illegals.

“What he wants to do is give amnesty to 11 plus million and maybe up to 20 million illegal aliens in this country. He wants to put them on federal welfare programs and federal largess so that they vote Democrats and keep Democrats in power for perpetuity,” Broun said.

“Anything that Chuck Schumer's for, any freedom-loving American should be against.”
Broun said border security remains the top priority in any immigration reform.

“The thing is, we were promised to secure the border in 1986 when President [Ronald] Reagan signed an amnesty bill that gave amnesty to almost 2.7 million illegal aliens in this country and what has happened?” Broun asked.

“No border security, no enforcement of the law which we were promised also in '86, and now we've got over 11 million … illegal aliens in this country. Until we secure the border, nothing else matters.”

Broun, a medical doctor, has announced he is running for U.S. Senate in 2014 for the Georgia seat being vacated by Saxby Chambliss.

He is vice chairman on the Committee on Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence.