Brutal Rape Sheds Light On Illegal Immigrant Abuse
Women Don't Report Abuse Due To Fear Of Deportation

POSTED: 12:18 pm CDT July 6, 2005
UPDATED: 1:08 pm CDT July 6, 2005

MADISON, Wis. -- The victim of a brutal weekend rape told authorities she'd been abused repeatedly by her former boyfriend but never came forward until he raped her this weekend.


Fear of deportation is keeping some domestic abuse victims from coming forward. News 3's Angela Bettis explains how the system works when for illegal immigrants.

Watch Angela's Report

She told police she was afraid she'd be deported because she's not a U.S. citizen. That's fairly common in the Hispanic community, reported News 3's Angela Bettis.

Detectives told News 3 a great number of crimes go unreported in Madison's Hispanic community because those living here illegally -- especially women -- are fearful of deportation. However, the fear is unnecessary.

Hector Martinez-Diaz
"I don't know any officer that'll ask somebody if they're illegal or legal because as far as we're concerned, it has no bearing on the status of the investigation -- no bearing on how we're going to proceed," said town of Madison police Detective Robb Hale.

In last weekend's case, Hector Martinez-Diaz may have a history of sexual assaults, according to town of Madison police.

One thing working for his abusive nature was that he knew that his victims, also illegal immigrants, most likely wouldn't go to police for help.

"They were reluctant to come forward based upon their fears of being deported back to the country that they are a native to," Hale said.

But his 27-year-old former girlfriend finally broke her silence.

"It wasn't until there was a heinous act committed against her that she decided in her mind to outweigh deportation or her safety," Hale said.

According to the Dane County District Attorney's office, officers cannot ask citizenship type questions.

DA Brian Blanchard told Madison's Latino newspaper, La Comunidad, "We try to have the case focus on the abuse that's happening and focus on accountability - deportation upon the conviction of a crime is up to the federal government."

La Comunidad is trying to dispel the deportation rumor. The newspaper is one of the few links between the growing Hispanic population -- many of whom don't speak English -- and the rest of the community.

La Comunidad publisher Dante Viscarra said the community needs cultural training. Newer arrivals -- those who've been in the United States less than three years -- don't know the laws and don't know domestic abuse is not tolerated.

"They don't realize that here, we have different laws and regulations, and this is something different," Viscarra said. "I hear that a lot more with the early arrival group, which makes up 40 percent of our community here in Dane County."

Viscarra also said more police need to be trained in the cultural differences because Latina women in their culture won't automatically go for help, police need to be trained to read the signs.

Viscarra pushes the message that if illegal immigrants are abused and don't feel comfortable with police, they should at least seek help from a pastor or priest who has connections in the social services community.

Related Story: "Minority Report" in Madison Magazine -- Minority communities are burgeoning in Dane County, and they represent considerable buying power. Media outlets catering to Latinos, African Americans and Asian Americans offer uniquely targeted vehicles for advertising -- and a few local businesses have figured that out. Despite difficulties, the minority media has quietly grown and seems poised for a full-blown boom. Read More ...

Domestic Abuse Resources

¿Quées la violencia doméstica? -- resources for Spanish-speakers