Lou Dobbs Tonight
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tonight, rioters in Belgrade, Yugoslavia have attacked the U.S.
embassy there, protesting the United States’ support for an
independent Kosovo. The embassy had been closed for a week and
only security staff were present.

We’ll have the details on that developing story, and all the
latest from the campaign trail.

Texas does not require voters to register their party
affiliation to vote in a primary election. When voters arrive
at polling stations, they simply ask for a Republican,
Libertarian, or a Democratic ballot. We’ll take a look tonight
at how independent voters in Texas will influence the state’s
critical primary election.

Job losses in Ohio in recent years that have grown to levels
worse than during the Great Depression, according to a new
study by American Manufacturing Trade Action Coalition. We’ll
have a report on the economic climate in Ohio with just weeks
to go before the state’s primary.

The sub-prime mortgage crisis continues to hurt middle class
Americans. Now sub-prime car loans are leading to massive repos
of cars and trucks. We’ll check out a repo impound lot, and
take an in-depth look at the knock-on effects of the sub-prime
mortgage crisis.

Small businesses are experiencing a credit crunch due to the
tighter lending standards caused by the mortgage crisis. Small
businesses, by nature, rely on incurring debt to expand, making
the subprime fallout a big concern. That story, tonight.

And Nancy Nord, the head of the Consumer Product Safety
Commission, continues to come under fire for the unsafe Chinese
toys recalled in this country. But she does not seem to find
China or the goods produced by the Communist country a threat.
We’ll have a special report.

Lou’s new book INDEPENDENTS DAY is now on sale in bookstores
and on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. In Independents Day,
Lou issues a rallying cry to American citizens eager for a
change, focusing particularly on the critical issues and
challenges of the 2008 election.

Visit http://cnn.com/loudobbstonight for more on
tonight's show. You'll also find Lou's past commentaries, our
weekly news quiz and more.