Immigration activists renew call to action as election nears

Associated Press - March 3, 2008 1:54 PM ET

CHICAGO (AP) - Immigration activists are renewing a call to action in the months leading up to the 2008 presidential election.

Jorge Mujica (MOO'-hee-kah) -- who's a leader of Chicago's March 10 Coalition -- says political candidates are avoiding the issue of immigration reform.

He says talk of U.S. immigration policies has faded, so activists need to ramp up.

Leaders of several organizations, including the Chicago Workers Collaborative, met Monday to discuss plans.

They're hosting events this weekend in Chicago with activists and academics from Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan.

Organizers are also planning to march on May 1st. The rally would be similar to those held last year and 2006 when hundreds of thousands gathered in the name of immigration reform.