Political Q&A
House, Senate candidates confront illegal immigration
By Drew Houff
The Winchester Star

— Contact Drew Houff at


http://www.winchesterstar.com/article_d ... cleID=1754

WINCHESTER — With the Nov. 6 election approaching, The Winchester Star is asking questions each week of the seven announced candidates for the state Senate and House of Delegates. Today’s question is:

Q. What specific legislation would you propose to deal with illegal immigration and what role should the General Assembly play in handling this issue?

Donald C. Marro, independent candidate for the 27th District state Senate seat:

"Sue the feds for illegal immigrant expenses; authorize states to issue H-1 and H-2 visas whenever federal delays in issuance pose a risk to state agricultural, manufacturing, or service businesses; require farmers and businesses to withhold income taxes from independent contractors for six months or until the feds certify that individual as legal, whereupon the burden shifts to the feds; deport illegals convicted of a felony.

"Also require that localities enforce zoning and allow expedited civil penalties; require English only; require twice the sales tax for those without a U.S. driver's license or passport showing legal entry into the [United States]."

Karen K. Schultz of Winchester, Democratic candidate for the 27th District Senate seat:

"This is an issue that I have been concerned about for years and have talked about since the beginning of the campaign. Illegal immigration is an issue of safety and a financial burden for our commonwealth. We must train our police, our sheriffs, and our correctional staff to deport illegal aliens who commit crimes. I am in full support of 287 G and I believe it is one of the best tools we have in combating the problem of illegal immigration. We must give businesses the tools needed to check immigration status and we must crack down on businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants."

Jill Holtzman Vogel of Upperville, Republican candidate for the 27th District Senate seat:

"I support 287 G to give law enforcement the necessary tools to prosecute crimes committed by illegal aliens. I believe we should assist employers with better methods to verify employment eligibility and increase penalties for employers who knowingly violate the law. I support increased penalties for human trafficking and document fraud and believe that illegal aliens should not receive Virginia tax dollars for higher education. The federal government has abdicated its responsibility and the General Assembly must pass legislation to stop the drug and human trafficking industry in Virginia and alleviate the enormous burdens on law enforcement, education, and social services."

Del. Joe T. May, R-Loudoun County, seeking re-election to the 33rd District House seat:

"Illegal immigration is just that — illegal, and it is inequitable to those who followed the process and came to the [United States] legally. As a commonwealth, we can no longer simply ignore this serious issue; we must be proactive. Local law enforcement should detain illegal aliens arrested for serious crimes, taxpayer-funded welfare for illegal aliens should not be provided, and in-state tuition reserved for legal citizens of the commonwealth. The rights and privileges of citizens ought to be paramount and prioritized over those who are here illegally."

Fernando "Marty" Martinez of Leesburg, Democratic candidate for the 33rd District House seat:

"I believe we need an approach to illegal immigration which enforces the law, is humane, and protects businesses which play by the rules.

"Specifically, I would crack down on knowing employers of illegal immigrants. I’d do this by funding the creation of 100 new officers to enforce the law against knowing employers of illegal immigrants. This approach would be fair, protect the rights of immigrants, and get tough on illegal immigration."

Del. Beverly J. Sherwood, R-Frederick County, seeking re-election to the 29th District House seat:

"As a member of the Crime Commission Illegal Immigrant Task Force, I was dismayed to learn that federal law preempts most state and local measures. Therefore, the first step would be to pass a resolution letting our Federal Representatives know our concerns with the lack of enforcement. Additionally, the state must allow state and local authorities to cooperate with federal immigration officials and consider making a federal conviction for hiring illegal aliens grounds for suspension of a Virginia business license. It should also be said, our nation is a nation of immigrants and should continue to welcome those who come following the lawful path."

Del. Clifford L. "Clay" Athey Jr., R-Front Royal, seeking re-election to the 18th District House seat:

"The most important thing is the total abdication of the responsibility occurring on the federal level and executive branch on this issue. If the federal government was enforcing the laws on the books, states and localities wouldn’t even have a problem.

"I think we should penalize employers who knowingly employ illegal aliens. I also support the idea that has been talked about by the Virginia Crime Commission whereby the state would build a prison for nothing more than illegal aliens, who will remain incarcerated until they are picked up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to be deported."