<><><> Los Angeles, Alta California <><><><>
January 30, 2006

IMMIGRATION CRISIS: Preparations for the Mexicano/Latino Leadership Summit being finalized

Preparations are being finalized for the upcoming Mexicano/Latino leadership Summit on the escalating immigration crisis. The Summit’s primary purpose is to strategically initiate a well-organized and coordinated bi-national movement and campaign to (1) to defeat the Sensenbrenner legislation that calls for the construction of a seven-hundred mile iron fence, harsh employer sanctions, criminalization of the undocumented and employers, and a further militarization of the U.S./Mexico border, which is presently being considered by the U.S. Senate; and (2) for immigration reform that includes legalization.

The Summit will be held Saturday, February 11 at the Riverside Convention Center, located at 3443 Orange St., Riverside, California. Hundreds of people from throughout the country, mainly the Southwest, and Mexico, representing the Mexicano/Latino communities various sectors e.g., organizational, political, student, activist, church, business, professional, academic, media, etc. will be in attendance. The Summit’s schedule is as follows: pre-registration, 8:30–9:30; Summit, starts at 9:30 a.m. and adjourns at 4:00 p.m.

The Summit‘s program will be light on speeches with an emphasis on action panels that will seek to produce a unified strategic plan of action. Organizations and individuals are encouraged to come prepared to submit legislative and direct action proposals. Music and entertainment will be provided at appropriate designated times.

This historic Summit is being facilitated by the National Alliance for Human Rights (NAHR), a network of individuals and organizations committed to the promotion of human rights, social justice, and political empowerment in collaboration with numerous organizations and leaders from throughout the country and Mexico. It is co-hosted by University of California, MEChA and Chicano Student Programs.

“Understanding the horrific anti-immigrant political climate rampant throughout the country and the severity of the consequences of the racist Sensenbrenner legislation, in particular the building of an Iron Curtain along the U.S./Mexico border, Mexicanos and Latinos in this country are under a state of siege reminiscent of the McCarthy Era," stated Dr. Armandi Navarro, a "Summit" facilitator . "The difference being that the Bush Administration and nativist Republicans are targeting not communists, but us as their targets of persecution. Hence, this is largely motivated not by the 'Red Scare', but by the demographic 'Brown Scare'," Navarro added.

“With the anti-immigrant and Mexican political climate worsening coupled with the importance of the country’s upcoming congressional elections and Mexico’s presidential elections as well,â€