By Frosty Wooldridge
March 5, 2005

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion. Oscar Wilde

George Bush insults American citizens by telling us that 20 million illegal aliens “Do the jobs Americans won't do. He stands at the front of the line as the most corporate bought-off president in modern times. How out of touch with Americans is he? Short answer: TOTALLY!

Why did 51 percent vote him back into office? He was the least objectionable alternative.

He's killing our kids in an unprovoked war 10,000 miles away. He lied to coerce America to invade Iraq. He has no exit strategy and doesn't have a clue as to what he will do next. He's running us into an insane debt at $7.4 trillion and growing. He's outsourced, insourced and offshored millions of American jobs that we now suffer a $500 plus billion annual trade deficits. He raised the debt ceiling by $800 billion. He insults us by telling us 20 million illegal aliens “Do the jobs Americans won't do. They, in turn have displaced Americans out of construction, paving, landscape, roofing, hotel, fast food, meat processing and most of the trades. They've created an underground work force that doesn't pay the IRS over $400 billion annually. So, who makes up the difference? We do! All those illegals remit to their home countries $56 billion annuallyâ€â€