The mandate remains unshaken. Americans are opposed to illegal immigration and cost is a major factor.
Red and blue emphasis below added by me.

Quote Originally Posted by Angus Reid, Global Monitor(click masthead)

Immigration Good, Illegality Bad for Americans
Angus Reid, Global Monitor, July 19, 2008

Many adults in the United States believe immigration is positive, according to a poll by Gallup. 64 per cent of respondents think immigration is a good thing, while 30 per cent deem it a bad thing. When asked about illegal immigrants, 63 per cent of respondents believe they cost the taxpayers too much by using government services like public education and medical services, while 31 per cent claim they become productive citizens in the long-run and pay their fair share of taxes. In March 2006, the Pew Hispanic Center calculated the number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. at somewhere between 11.5 million to 12 million. In May 2006, U.S. president George W. Bush addressed the nation to discuss his immigration proposals. Bush outlined five clear objectives: securing the borders, creating a temporary worker program, holding employers to account for the workers they hire, allowing illegal immigrants "who have roots" in the country to apply for citizenship, and helping newcomers assimilate into American society.

In 2007, the U.S. Senate discussed and rejected a revised immigration bill, which would have allowed illegal immigrants to come forward and obtain a "Z visa." After paying fees, a $5,000 U.S. fine and then returning to their home countries, they could apply for permanent residency, which could be granted in eight to 13 years. The bill also included a proposal to introduce a points system that would prioritize access to the U.S. for skilled and educated immigrants, as well as new family-reunification guidelines. Earlier this month, Mack Associates Inc.—a company that owns 11 McDonald’s restaurants in the United States—was ordered to pay a $1 million U.S. fine for providing false Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants. The charges stemmed from an investigation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.

Polling Data

On the whole, do you think immigration is a good thing or a bad thing for this country today?

..................Jun. 2008.....Jun. 2007.....Jun. 2006

Good Thing......64%............60%.............67%

Bad Thing........30%............33%.............28%

Mixed................4%..............3%........... ...4%

Unsure..............2%...............4%........... ...1%

Now, thinking specifically about illegal immigrants, which comes closer to your point of view? Illegal immigrants in the long-run become productive citizens and pay their fair share of taxes; or, Illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers too much by using government services like public education and medical services

.................................Jun. 2008........Jun. 2006

Cost Too Much................63%...............66%

Pay Fair Share................31%...............29%

Neither / Both Unsure........6%.................4%

Source: Gallup
Methodology: Telephone interviews with 1,935 American adults, including oversamples of African Americans and Hispanics weighted to reflect their proportions in the general population, conducted on Jul. 5 and Jul. 6, 2008. Margin of error is 4 per cent.
Source (click here)