Immigration Group Overview: ALIPAC
By Digger

I'm going to be reviewing some of the immigration groups out there.

Target Number One: ALIPAC.

So who are ALIPAC?

They are the Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee. They are a fairly new organization based in North Carolina. Being new they are fairly small compared to the big groups, but are rapidly growing. Their President is William Gheen.

William Gheen

ALIPAC President William Gheen is a man called a loose cannon by some other groups. Unlike those other group's leaders though, Gheen is not sitting on his ass in a DC office, but is actually out there actively trying to get things done. I've been in business for many years and I will tell you this right off the bat, William Gheen is a leader with a mission and he won't be stopped. While of course he's concerned with his organization, you can absolutely feel the concern for the American people and those fighting for the same cause ooze from his pores. On top of all of this Gheen is drawing a very modest paycheck, something that speaks a million words about what he's in it for.


Not the type to pull any punches I'm gonna give you the straight scoop on this group. They don't have enough money. That's right they're a very small group compared to the larger groups. Dare I say it, they are dinky. That's right dinky. Now I'm probably going to hear directly from William Gheen for saying ALIPAC is dinky, but I'm telling you this because of their strengths.


A fierce leader not afraid to step on toes, Gheen just will not quit. Innovation is the key and ALIPAC isn't afraid to use it. They are the ones who approached the larger groups about allowing bloggers into the Hold Their Feet To The Fire event for the first time. This is the organization that organized the Boycott of Bank of America. The people at ALIPAC are both knowledgeable, professional, but at the same time down to earth. These people will walk through fire to help you out. Their passion and absolute commitment to their mission is priority one. And all of this comes from a group that I dub dinky. Imagine what they could do with proper support?

The Bottom Line

These people need your help! They need donations. They need you to attend their events! They need you to go right now to their website and signup. If you want to be involved with an organization that is going places, getting something done and in the near future will be making a far bigger difference than larger groups then this is the group for you. If you want to be involved with slow dinosaur groups who move with the speed of a sloth, seem to flaunt their size over their results and have allowed the illegal alien problem to grow to epic proportions on their watch then go join the other larger groups. ALIPAC is the future of immigration groups in America.