This article receives a: DUH...What?!? It is quite probably the most asinine, lib-idiotic, OBL, anarchist deviant piece of overt seditious trash I've ever seen.

Immigration Laws Undermine Capitalism
Economy depends on illegal immigrants
By: Rob Weaver ... 0254.shtml
Issue date: 9/11/07 Section: Opinion

The ongoing hot-button debate about immigration to the United States has become even hotter now, a week after Mexican president Felipe Calderon openly chastised the U.S. directly on our country's handling of undocumented immigrants.

As expected, the usual old-guy cable news personalities did their patriotic duty of fanning the ratings-boosting flames by verbally jabbing back at Calderon.

Fox News took exception to Calderon's comments on each of their "fair and balanced" info-tainment shows. Meanwhile, Lou Dobbs, an old white guy who has recently won over some of the Bill O'Reilly crowd by expressing his discontent with Mexicans who come here to work (and according to Dobbs, bring thousands of cases of leprosy) also added his admonishment of Felipe Calderon. Dobbs asked in his weekly commentary for CNN "Are we not a nation that follows the rule of law?"

Dobbs is of course referring to the set of laws that denies migrant workers the right to work in this country. Laws which actually do just enough to deny them rights that citizens enjoy, while allowing migrants to work "illegally" because our nation's economy depends on them. These laws are no better than the notorious Jim Crow laws, legislation which kept black people from economically advancing, and kept labor dirt-cheap decades after slavery was abolished. Like our nation's black citizens, Mexicans face an uphill battle against legislation, designed to exclude an entire group of people based on race.

A common argument against those who speak against the animal-like treatment of migrant workers in the U.S. is that the Mexican government is not doing enough to help their own population, thus causing mass migration north. But this is all under the mistaken idea that Mexico has the same means as the U.S. to deal with this humanitarian issue.

People need to understand that there is a double standard here.

The U.S. is the richest country in the world, perceived globally as a land of opportunity. According to the CIA world fact book, per capita income in Mexico is one-fourth of what Americans make. So is it any surprise that destitute Mexicans seek survival where there is money to be made?

As the richest country in the world who wrested away much of our territory from Mexico, do we not have an obligation to the rest of the world to give something back? Is Emma Lazarus' famous poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty with the line "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses" actually a big sham?

Anti-immigration laws are surprisingly well-supported by more right-wing sects that advocate less spending and government. They are opposed to providing medical care to Mexicans without insurance, and granting them the right to vote and participate in our country, yet they are very fond of the idea of increasing government spending on border patrolling and wall-building as well as making new laws to exclude them.

As long as laws which keep willing, hard-working Mexican immigrants from ascending in class exist, the very foundation of capitalism and our country's spirit of competition are undermined.