Immigration and the pending white minority

Special to the Star-Banner
Published: Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 9:06 a.m.
Last Modified: Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 9:07 a.m.

By 2042, the Census Bureau says, whites will be a minority in the United States, and among children under 18, whites become the minority in just 15 years.

How long is 15 years? Fifteen years ago, Bill Clinton was president.

So, just around the corner, whites in America are going to be disempowered, assuming we remain a democracy, through a radical and rapid transformation of the nation's demography on a scale unprecedented in world history.

In response to this news, individual whites — the proper, polite ones — will affect (or, if particularly ignorant of the world around them, evince) an attitude, at the least, of indifference and calm assurance, at the most, of celebratory enthusiasm.

For the sake of clear, adult thinking, let's dismiss these proper, polite whites as a bunch of panglossian ninnies and adopt a position more in line with everything we know about humans.

Let's say that the Census Bureau projections are deeply troubling and cause for alarm for white Americans, and leave it to the other races in America to decide for themselves what this demographic shift means to them.

Now, if you are a white person reading this, and if you are the type of white person who is already looking around for someone to point and shriek "Racist!" in front of, you might as well stop reading now. You don't matter to the following discussion, and it will be over your head anyway.

For everyone else, let's start by assuming that white Americans share with all peoples throughout the world at all times throughout history the characteristic that being disempowered as a group is a negative — like being conquered, or being subjugated.

Let's assume that it is the same disaster for whites that whites consider it to be for everyone else.

Let's assume there is nothing magical about being white that permits whites the luxury of indifference to this disempowerment — this permanent disempowerment.

Let's assume whites are not so superior that they can ignore gritty, bloody reality — that they can ignore, as if he were a precocious child, Willie Brown, the black former speaker of the California Assembly, when he says, "I think most white politicians do not understand that the race pride we all have trumps everything else."

Let's assume the United States is a nation not so exceptional that Americans of any color can opt out of the destiny that demography is.

If we make these assumptions — assumptions future generations will curse us for not making — then the new Census Bureau projections plainly demand an immediate and radical change in public policy, and an all out effort to accomplish this change.

In particular, the projections demand an immediate time-out on mass immigration like the 40-year time-out the nation wisely implemented in 1924 at the peak of the last great wave of immigration.

There are many similarities between now and then.

A primary power driving the great immigration wave of the late 19th-early 20th centuries was American business, which steadfastly fought for increasing the supply of labor through mass immigration.

As Samuel Gompers, an immigrant and the founder and president of the American Federation of Labor wrote in a 1924 letter to Congress: "Every effort to enact immigration legislation must expect to meet a number of hostile forces and, in particular, two hostile forces of considerable strength. One of these is composed of corporation employers who desire to employ physical strength (broad backs) at the lowest possible wage and who prefer a rapidly revolving labor supply at low wages to a regular supply of American wage earners at fair wages. The other is composed of racial groups in the United States who oppose all restrictive legislation because they want the doors left open for an influx of their countrymen regardless of the menace to the people of their adopted country."

In 1912, the nation elected one-world utopian Woodrow Wilson, and over the next eight years of Wilson's presidency the nation's population grew by 15 percent while President Wilson repeatedly vetoed restrictionist legislation passed by Congress.

Wilson's successor, Warren Harding, increased the power of corporations in Washington, and the cheap labor wave would likely have continued but for the growing threat to the American system from imported anarchists and radicals.

In September 1920, a bomb one-twelfth the size of the Oklahoma City bomb exploded in front of 23 Wall Street in New York City, capping years of rising concern over the threat to the domestic order posed by the massive influx of foreigners.

As James Fulford writes at, "Wall Street support for immigration takes a sudden drop" and within four years the great time-out had begun — 30 years after organized efforts to restrict immigration had begun.

It wasn't until the corrupting influence of the profiteers was sidelined that 1924 America could implement the necessary time-out.

The question we face now, then, is: must we wait for another bombing on Wall Street or its equivalent before the corporate profiteers will again loosen their grip on the nation's future and stop driving the country headlong into demographic meltdown for their own selfish benefit?

Or can we retake control of immigration policy before that happens?

Through the new e-VeriFILE program, through which employers verify the employment eligibility of the people they hire, Americans have the opportunity to bring the business community to heel by financially rewarding those business owners who follow the law, who understand the principle of enlightened self-interest, who understand that the kind of uncertainty into which some monied interests are selfishly driving the nation is not, in the long run, good for business.

The e-VeriFILE program could become enormously beneficial to the country, and every American should support it.

Craig Nelsen is president of Project USA, a group advocating greater restrictions on immigration.