August 31, 2006--Dubuque
Immigration Rally In Dubuque

Immigration reform takes center stage at a Dubuque rally. Concerned residents and community leaders came together to discuss ways to create better immigration policy with Hispanic nations. However, it wasn't just Hispanic immigrants who came to the park. It was immigrants from all over the world trying to show that America is truly a country of immigrants. Rally-goers say now is the time for the U-S government to realize how important immigrants are to the American workforce. "This is something that is really impacting our community. Even though I'm legal, I think this is what America is, this is what America should do," says immigrant Rieneo Mojica.

Local immigration supporters say people are only coming to this country illegally because they're needed. They add that even if they weren't needed, building a fence to keep them out is not the answer. "We don't think that fences will stop the people from coming. There's a need in our country for workers and the workers are coming over to fill those needs," says United Dubuque Immigration Alliance member Marcia Sola.

To hammer home the theme of "Bridges Make Better Neighbors," the rally-goers boarded buses. Their plan was to stretch hand in hand across the Julian Dubuque bridge. On the bridge, enthusiasm was evident, but there weren't quite enough people to complete the chain from shore to shore. "I wish for more people, but it's a day in the middle of the week and everybody work," comments a Hispanic immigrant who lives in Dubuque.

Even though there weren't quite enough people to stretch hand and hand across the Julian Dubuque bridge, organizers of the rally say it was still a success

On Friday, Iowa Representative Steve King will hold a field hearing on immigration in Dubuque. Folks at Thursday's rally criticized Kings plan for erecting an electrified fence along the United States' border with Mexico.