I could not listen to the whole thing. It made me sick to my stomach!


America Up for Grabs
Even the cold sober British Broadcasting Corporation admits it

http://www.americanpatrol.com/05-FEATUR ... nblack.jpg
There is going to be a war within the borders of the United States.
Mexifornia -- BBC - May 30, 2005
"The Latinization of California is nothing short of a revolution. California will become a predominantly Spanish- speaking state within the next few years. And, as the majority population, there is really no need, or incentive, for them to assimilate into mainstream American society as their predecessors have always done. Whether Latinos then decide to push for greater autonomy, to seek a political agenda of their own with closer ties to Mexico and Central America is very much up for grabs."
http://www.americanpatrol.com/_icons/audio.gif Windows Media Player Format Listen