Sorry, do not have link to this article, but here it is. NOTE, THE OBL IS ALREADY LOBBYING FOR PASSAGE OF THE AG JOBS AMNESTY, SO WE SHOULD START :

Roll Call
October 1, 2007
Immigration Redux: This Time It’s the Farm Bill;
AgJOBS Backers Risk Congressional Backlash

By Geof Koss, CongressNow Staff

Thwarted in their past efforts to address a critical labor shortage, the agricultural lobby and farm workers are pressing their Congressional allies to bring up a controversial guest-worker program as the Senate kicks off farm bill discussions this week.

But in doing so, they concede they risk injecting the poison pill of immigration into the popular agriculture bill, which reauthorizes federal programs affecting farms in virtually every state.

And within the immigration issue lies an even more emotionally laden subset: “Some will try to tag it as amnesty,â€