April 23-28 for "Hold Their Feet to the Fire – A National Drive for Immigration Reform."
Immigration Reform Drive Set for April
By Kathleen Antrim

Illegal immigration is the No. 1 threat to our national security, allowing attacks from foreign sources and eroding the underpinnings of American society. It is a crime of gradual, exponential damage. Each illegal that steps over our border is just one more straw on the proverbial camel's back.

Slowly, the influx of illegals has grown to unmanageable levels, depleting our economic resources, destroying institutions and straining our society to the point of breaking. Yet Congress has failed to act to secure our borders, enforce our laws and protect our sovereignty. Fed up with inaction, a grass-roots citizens' lobbying movement is taking on legislators. Led by radio talk show hosts, Melanie Morgan of KSFO in San Francisco, Roger Hedgecock of KOGO in San Diego and over a dozen more from across the country, hundreds of talk show listeners are converging on the nation's capital from April 23-28 for "Hold Their Feet to the Fire – A National Drive for Immigration Reform."

These citizen lobbyists are paying their own way to Washington to lobby for immigration reform, explained Morgan of "The Lee Rogers and Melanie Morgan Show." Along with providing buttons and badges, Morgan and her crew will form people into teams and educate them on how to make effective presentations to congressional representatives.

"People need to know," Morgan said, "that with the advent of the Tnternet, talk radio and grassroots activists we can make a difference." Now this dynamic reporter turned soccer mom turned radio talk show host and activist is focusing her boundless energy on our nation's leaders.

"The audience we really have to play to is a man who should be on the other side of this issue, President Bush," said Morgan. "We want to work with the president, not against him. An amnesty program by any other name is still an amnesty program. It didn't work in the '80s, the '90s, and it's not working in the 2000s."

There's no doubt that Morgan understands a thing or two about enacting change. Just ask former California Gov. Gray Davis, who was defeated in a recall election due in large part to Morgan's efforts. Known across the nation as the "Mother of the Recall," Morgan stands up for what is right and follows through to make it happen.

"We've got hundreds coming [to Washington, D.C.]," Morgan said, referring to the overwhelming response of the listeners. And she wants every reader and listener to know that their help is needed.

Illegal immigration has reached devastating proportions. Our children are paying the price in impacted schools, Morgan explained. Overcome by millions of dollars in unpaid medical bills, hospitals and emergency rooms across the country are closing. Tuberculosis, virtually eradicated in the United States by 1983, is again on the rise as people carrying the disease bypass the health requirements of legal immigration.

Annually, illegals cost Arizona taxpayers $1.3 billion and California taxpayers a whopping $10.5 billion. And these numbers are escalating rapidly, while states like California buckle under the financial strain.

Leaders in Washington have forgotten that immigrating to the United States is a privilege, not a right. Their obligation is to the citizens of the United States, not illegal aliens. And I have no doubt that Morgan and company will be "holding their feet to the fire." To join the team going to Washington, D.C., go to:

March 22, 2005

Kathleen Antrim is a weekly columnist for The San Francisco Examiner and author of the political thriller Capital Offense. She appears every Monday at 3 p.m. (EST) on Battle Line with Alan Nathan (, and on alternating Mondays at 8 a.m. (PST) on KSFO 560 AM, on "The Lee Rogers and Melanie Morgan Show." ( For more information go to

Reader Comments:
On 2005-03-23 19:19:18, Sue wrote:

1 million signatures needed for petition to Pres. Bush to stop illegal immigration, secure our borders. 1 million needed.