Undocumented college students eligible for scholarships from Mexican Consulate
KOB Eyewitness News 4
By: Cristina Rodda
Posted at: 09/21/2011 2:03 PM

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Undocumented college students can get a big break in New Mexico, thanks to a scholarship program coordinated through the Mexican Consulate.

Nearly $150,000 is now available for scholarships to UNM and CNM, spokespeople for the consulate said at a press conference Wednesday. The scholarships are not designated for undocumented students, but they are eligible to apply.

Jose Ogaz and Monica Charles are some of fifty UNM students sharing $100,000 in scholarship money available for the spring and fall semester.

“I got my bachelors degree last December and I'm on my second semester for my master’s degree program," Ogaz said.

Ogaz said he immigrated to the United States with a student visa, and when it expired, he stayed illegally.

A spokesman from the consulate explained that about $70,000 of the scholarship money came from the Institute for Mexicans Abroad, while another $70,000 was matched by private donors.

The scholarships will be administered according to a joint agreement recently signed with the UNM Foundation.

UNM President David Schmidly said his job is to make sure UNM is open to anyone who is seeking a higher education.

"Santa Fe has its responsibilities they develop laws and policies. That's not my thing - I don't pretend to be in that arena," said Schmidly.

Ogaz explained that while nothing will stop him from getting his masters degree, he won't be able to work legally in the U.S.

"I am really hopeful that it will change, maybe not the next five years, but hopefully there will be legislators that see what is right for the country," he said.

CNM students can get $20,000 in scholarship money, and another $20,000 will go to a group helping Mexican undocumented immigrants learn English and computer skills.

KOB contacted Governor Susana Martinez' spokesperson to get her comment on the scholarship plan, but we haven't heard back.
