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  1. #1
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    AZ Rep Russell Pearce Asks, What Part of Illegal Do They Not

    AZ Representative Russell Pearce Asks PHXnews Readers, "What Part of Illegal Do They Not Understand?

    What part of illegal do they not understand? What part of the law are they having trouble understanding? How much crime are they willing to tolerate before they get serious? How many more billions in services can we afford? Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states that, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion." If three to four million "illegal" aliens coming across the border annually is not an invasion, I don't know what is!

    OK, you're not going to believe this, but I have a question for you: What do the approximately 50,000 people who live in the Sierra Vista area, AND the approximately 50,000 people who live in the Prescott area, AND the approximately 50,000 people who live in the Flagstaff area all have in common – other than living in Arizona?

    Well, if you add up all those people AND IF you add the entire population of Mesa Arizona – that’s an additional 400,000 - people – if you add them ALL up you would STILL NOT HAVE AS MANY PEOPLE AS THERE ARE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS LIVING IN ARIZONA RIGHT NOW!

    The Pew Center for Hispanic research – and this is a relatively liberal group – estimated more than a year ago that at least 500,000 illegal immigrants live in Arizona.

    But that was a couple of years ago. The number now is in excess of 600,000 people.

    That’s more than one out of every ten people who live in our state!

    One out of every ten people you pass on the road, one out of every ten people you see at the store and MORE THAN one of every ten people you see in our classrooms and probably one out of every two in our emergency rooms is here illegally.

    Why the additional numbers there? Because illegals often use our emergency rooms to obtain free primary care; and because generally, the birth rate among illegal immigrants is substantially higher than the population at large. This results in more hospital visits and more children in the classroom.

    America is a nation of immigrants. But until the past 30 years, that meant we were a nation of legal immigrants - legal entrants who would apply for admission, who had a U.S. sponsor who would support them if necessary, or skills, or education, or some money of their own – and often they had all of these things.

    Only in recent history has America – and now particularly Arizona -- been flooded with illegal international trespassers, most of whom don’t have any of the things I just mentioned.

    They sneak across the border hoping for a better life, but immediately needing free health care, free education, and free government support if they can get it and usually do get it. A new federal report shows that only four states verify eligibility before you get Medicaid (AHCCCS), a $4 billion program with more folks enrolled in AHCCCS than K through 12.

    But those things aren’t free. We pay for them. Right here in Arizona the average LEGAL family pays at least an extra $2,000 every year to support illegal aliens and another $2000 in taxes to make up for the $400 billion in unpaid taxes by the underground workforce that don't pay taxes and still use services such as education ($8000 annually per child). And those are just the direct expenses. They don’t include the cost of increased crime, city or county enforcement and jail cost, increased car insurance, increased medical/health insurance and other direct, but non-governmental expenses.

    Meanwhile, blaming our economy for attracting these people is like blaming a bank for attracting Dillinger.

    And claiming that our economy needs them – that we require a permanent underclass to do the hard work -- won’t cut it either. That’s the same argument that was used 150 years ago to support slavery!

    Pay Americans a decent wage for honest work, and they WILL get the job done – OR they’ll invent the technology to get it done even faster. (A Harvard report shows illegal aliens not only take jobs away from Americans hiring illegals holds wages down about $2000 per year)

    So do we wait for the Federal government to adopt a worker program (we have 17 million Americans out of work)? Do we really believe that will stop the flood of illegal humanity crossing our borders?

    Our Governor claims that illegal immigration is primarily a federal problem. That is pure baloney. This Governor has worked overtime to make sure illegal aliens are not bothered and that the laws are not enforced.

    This illegal alien invasion is absolutely the most important issue facing Arizona.

    Am I overstating the importance of this matter? Not if you look at the facts.

    For example, Arizona is experiencing a level of violent crime unprecedented in its entire history – and that’s saying something for this wild west territory. We are #1 in the nation for crime. And yet we have a governor that has fought Prop. 200, does not want to keep them from getting taxpayer benefits (free stuff), and does not support law enforcement helping the feds in this serious crisis.

    There are actually hundreds of stories of innocent, legal citizens, being injured or killed, or nearly frightened to death, in connection with illegal aliens – stories that for reasons I cannot fathom, routinely go unreported or underreported in our state media.

    Like the recently returned U.S. Marine Iraq war veteran who was mugged by illegals while visiting the sand dunes outside Yuma, or the group of bird watchers north of Douglas who came upon an entire caravan of armed smugglers carrying bails of cocaine, or like the ranchers in the southern part of the state who must carry a gun and search their homes every time they return from the store – just to make sure that illegals are not hiding there; or the violent illegal alien gangs roam our streets robbing, stealing, injuring and killing our citizens, and the police officers/border patrol agents being shot and killed, including my son who was shot and critically wounded by an illegal while serving a search warrant on illegal aliens wanted for murder.

    Over 4000 homicide warratnts (murder) issued to suspects who have fled south across the border.

    Meanwhile, we have one of the highest stolen car rates in America. Where do the cars end up? Mexico. Who takes them there? C’mon! Who do you think? And we have one of the highest rates of uninsured motorists in America. Do you think some of those uninsured motorists could be here illegally?

    And our insurance premiums reflect all this. That’s more money out of your pocket – more money taken from your family.

    And there’s more. Lawful citizens must often wait hours to see an emergency room physician while illegal immigrants use our hospitals for free primary care. Some emergency rooms have already shut down. Seventy seven border hospitals filed for bankruptcy in 2003 alone. The hospitals could not afford to keep them open. Others are very near bankruptcy. Health insurance is exploding. Do we wonder why?

    Our schools are flooded with the children of illegal aliens – obtaining free education at your expense. This Governor wants to spend an “additional� $300 million on children of illegal aliens and ignore Prop. 203 passed by the votes of this state that demanded "immersion.� Look, we all love children. That’s not the point. Remember, much of public education is paid for by real estate taxes. By definition, few illegal immigrants thus contribute to our school systems – because most of them do not own real estate! (NONE OF THEM SHOULD).

    And speaking of education, the Governor recently proposed – get this -- that we actually spend more money each year to teach English to non-English-speaking children in our schools than she proposed spending on the entire Department of Public Safety annual budget. As you know, a very large percentage

    of these children come from homes where one or more adults are here illegally.

    Thus our state troopers, already overwhelmed by crime and accidents on our highways, will -- if the Governor has her way -- receive less money to keep us safe than the children of many illegal immigrants will receive to learn English.

    The state of Arizona spends at least $2 billion each and every year on direct costs attributable to illegal aliens. That’s almost $2,000 out of the pockets of every single lawful family in Arizona – every year.

    At this rate, live in Arizona 20 years, and you will have personally paid more than $40,000 out of your pocket to pay for illegal immigration. Tell me, where might you have preferred to spend that money?

    This does not include estimated $2000 annually each taxpayer pays to make up for the tax evasion to pay for education and public benefits attributed to illegals, and that doesn’t include the soft costs of illegal immigration we discussed earlier.

    We are a nation of laws. We, and our elected officials, must have the courage – the fortitude – to enforce, with compassion but without apology, those laws that protect the integrity of our borders and our rights as lawful citizens.

    I urge you to join this fight and to actively support all those who are willing to responsibly take on the challenge of once and for all protecting our state, our homes, and our families, from the epidemic of illegal immigration we currently face.

    The Governor vetoed a bill of mine that would have made it clear that local law enforcement has the authority to arrest illegal aliens. Then she calls a law enforcement summit on the issue of how local law enforcement can help. Wow what a day. We were locked out of the law enforcement summit in Flagstaff the Governor called and then did not attend because she was in Russia watching the ballet, twenty two legislators did go and we were turned away. In talking with of the officers afterwards they felt they made very little progress and most did not want to do much on this issue. This is very disappointing.

    We no longer can afford to allow this Governor and law enforcement to sit on the sidelines as spectators to the destruction of America and our neighborhoods.

    Our neighborhoods have become more violent, our streets less safe, and we are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in health care, education and welfare costs.

    Actually I should not say this Governor has done nothing: This Governor has been busy fighting us on every issue including Prop. 200 and after it passed overwhelmingly she continued to stop its full implementation.

    Not once in two years has this Governor come to me or to any of us at the legislature and offered to work with us on this the #1 issue facing this state. However, being very Clintonesk she tries to convince Arizona she is tough on illegal immigration.

    She is the Pro-illegal alien Governor:

    Let’s look at Immigration bills the Governor vetoed this year:

    SB1306 (Pearce) Authorizes peace officers to investigation, apprehend, detain or remove aliens in the enforcement of United States immigration laws. Already authorized under federal law and on April 1st a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court razed any concerns on this issue and made it clear that law enforcement can enforce immigration laws. Any decision by local law enforcement not to enforce these laws is simply political on the part of local politicians and police chiefs and sheriffs.

    SB1118 (Pearce) Voter registration; provisional ballot; address, implements the voting-related provisions of Proposition 200

    SB1167 (Pearce) Establishes English as the official language of Arizona and requires that official actions be conducted in English and requires the State to do all it can to enhance and promote English as the Official Language.

    SB1402 (Pearce) Appropriation of $721,700 from the HURF fund to establish procedures to determine whether or not the information and documents provided by a person applying for a driver license are fraudulent. As a result of a federal sting we found that hundreds of fraudulent documents being submitted to MVD were accepted and licenses were issued. Homeland Security issued a warning of severe concern to national security on this issue and yet our Governor still vetoed the bill.

    HB2030 (Pearce/Boone) requires proof of eligibility for certain benefits to be given out. This legislation also required the agencies that provide these services to report on the number of people who applied to participate in the programs and the number who were not eligible for those programs due to their illegal status.

    HB2709 (Jones/Weiers) Requires DOA to contract for a private prison facility to be located in Mexico to house Mexican National prisoners.

    SB1186 (Martin) Incorporates into statute Prop. 200 that requires proof of United States citizenship when registering to vote and stipulates the information submitted as evidence of citizenship does not become public record.

    SB1511 (Martin) Prohibits law enforcement or other government agencies, commissions, boards or districts from accepting identification documents such as a Matricular Consular card. It requires that the identification be issued by a political subdivision, Indian Tribe, state or federal authority. After warnings by the FBI, Homeland Security as to how unreliable and testifying to the serious risk to national security, she vetoed it anyway. Its only purpose is to allow illegal aliens to get public services.

    *EMPLOYER SANCTIONS (Pearce) This bill did not make it to the Governor’s desk; but it will be introduced next year as a ballot referendum.

    LAWS NOT BEING ENFORCED: No more excuses!

    8 USC Sec. 1325 (ILLEGAL ENTRY) 8 USC Sec. 1324 (Hiring an ILLEGAL) 8 USC Sec. 1644 ("No local ordinance, rule, or measure shall stop law enforcement officers from enforcement of this section")

    8 USC Sec. 1325 Any alien who -

    1. enters

    2. eludes 3. attempts to enter Title 18, or imprisoned not more than two years or both.

    (d) Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud - Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.

    Section 1324a states: "Any person who knowingly hires/harbors/transports any illegal alien is guilty of a felony punishable by 10 years jail + $2000 fine per illegal alien + forfeiture of the vehicle or property used to commit the crime".

    Section 1324c states, "All officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws shall have authority to make arrests for a violation of any provision of this section" (affirmed US v Perez-Gonzalez 2002 Fed App 0360, 6th Circ.).

    Section 1644, same title states, "No local ordinance, rule, or measure shall stop law enforcement officers from enforcement of this section" (affirmed Southern District Court of NY, US v Rudy Guiliani,19

    We must demand that the laws be enforced and the border secured, NOW. We must demand from those who promote amnesty (Flake and Kolbe) and promote open borders (Flake and Kolbe) to start enforcing the law and honor their Oath of Office. "Our borders must be closed to illegal activity!"

    Immigration legislation I will run again next session:

    Build an Arizona/Mexico Fence (a Referendum): I am Rep. Pamela Gorman work to build a fence along the Arizona/Mexico border and bill the federal government for the cost. No longer will you be able to come into America through the Arizona/Mexico Connection except by the front door (legal entry). The cost of the fence will be very small compared to the cost in damage to America - billions in public benefits, the largest and most violent gangs, destruction of our healthcare system, huge costs to education, job losses, depressed wages, and destruction of our neighborhoods.

    Local Enforcement: (A referendum) to make it "clear" that local law enforcement can and should be engaged in helping enforce our immigration laws. I will provide resources (a tent city), training dollars, and create a misdemeanor statute in addition to the federal law and make sure we have all the tools needed to enforce the law and perhaps a loss of revenue sharing funds for those who do not enforce the laws.

    We will make it clear that any decision not to enforce the immigration laws is a political decision by local police chiefs and politicians - not a limitation by law. "These cities with their sanctuary laws and the federal government are co-conspirators in that they won't enforce the law. There are over 4,000 murder warrants out, just in the border states, for people who've committed murder and fled to Mexico. You wonder how many more people have to die..."

    Employer Sanctions: (A referendum) I intend to go after employers who "knowingly" hire illegals (already against the law) and make sure their state licenses are revoked, no state contracts, make it a state misdemeanor, give employees, who have lost their jobs to illegals, access to the courts and require any damage or injury of an illegal has no recourse against the taxpayer, but directly against the employer. (Protect the unemployment insurance and Comp. Fund from illegal aliens).

    Mortgages/Home loans: Put a stop to illegal aliens from obtaining home loans. It is dangerous and gives the pro illegal alien crowd another anchor to not deport illegal aliens.

    Official English: Make sure our Government does all it can to promote and enhance English as the Official language in Arizona.

    AHCCCS (Medicaid): Stop the fraud of AHCCCS in Arizona; make sure eligibility is required before your tax dollars are handed out. It is a $4 billion dollar program with more people on AHCCCS than are enrolled in K through 12. It has grown over 500% in the past 4/5 years and will destroy our economy and force tax increases if not controlled. (A federal report just released; only 4 states require eligibility verification – we are not one of them).

    Representative Russell Pearce R-18, Mesa, AZ. Chairman of House Appropriations Committee, Co-Author of Proposition 200.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
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    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member Scubayons's Avatar
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    Sounds like the People of Arizona needs to get this man up to Washington.
    You can not be loyal to two nations, without being unfaithful to one. Scubayons 02/07/06

  4. #4
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    If Pearce runs for Governor we will come to his aid.

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #5
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    He is nearing my rating of Lou Dobbs.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #6
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    Meanwhile, blaming our economy for attracting these people is like blaming a bank for attracting Dillinger.
    I liked this line!! YESSSSS!!!

    Pearce for president/governor/senator...go Pearce go we're with for Governor...

    The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. " - Lloyd Jones

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