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Immigration: Then and Now
By Barbara J. Stock
Apr 21, 2006

The Titanic steamed towards America with its third-class hold full of people immigrating to America. These people were from different countries and each was leaving behind everything and everyone he knew to start a new and better life. Many were coming only with what they could carry. They shared a common dream and that dream was to see the Statue of Liberty waiting to greet them as they entered the New York harbor. In those days, nearly all immigrants came in by ship and were processed at Ellis Island. A careful list was kept of each person. The family name, how many in the family, their health, and where they planned to go to settle, was all recorded and even today, people can check those records to find the names of family members who passed through the doors at Ellis Island.

Most of the unfortunate souls on the Titanic never did see Lady Liberty holding her torch high in the New York sky. But even in death, we know who they were and where they were from. We know because of records. Written documents that could be checked to see who had lived and who had died.

Today, there are approximately 12 million people in America that should not be here. We have no records of who they are, how long they have been here, or even why they are here. We do not know if they are rapists, murderers, drug runners, or child molesters. We don’t know if they are ill or carry contagious diseases. Many women come here ready to give birth so they will have an “anchor baby.” This baby, if born in America, is automatically an American citizen and thus, cannot be forced to leave. This baby is their get-into-America-free card.

These illegal immigrants say they are coming here for a “better life” just as the people on the Titanic were doing. But there are two major differences between the Mexican immigrants and those doomed souls on the Titanic. Those coming here in 1912 were entering America the correct way and were coming to live in a country that had vast open spaces and only about 40 million people. America was growing and needed the manpower.

Today, America has 300 million citizens and really doesn’t have the need for more people as it did nearly 100 years ago. And the logic that “Mexicans do the work Americans won’t do” simply doesn’t hold up under examination.

It isn’t that Americans won’t do the work; it’s that Americans won’t do it for $3.50 an hour. By hiring illegal aliens the employer doesn’t have to pay any social security, health care benefits, retirement, or any other perk American workers are given. These illegals are a boon for anyone that hires them. Certainly all 12 million are not here to work. Many are criminals and many are children. All are a drain on state and federal resources. Interestingly, an illegal caught in Mexico is arrested and jailed. But the Mexican government seems to feel that we should accept its people without question. America welcomes legal immigrants, but it should not be Mexico’s dumping ground.

The other day a caller to a radio show suggested that we just make Mexico the 51st state and be done with it. That way, the caller suggested, the “new” Americans would all pay taxes, would have no reason to risk life and limb crossing the border and America would have more ports, oil, beaches, and the illegal immigration problem would be over.

At first glance, this seems a silly idea, but perhaps it isn’t. Mexico is much older than America yet it is poor, crime ridden, and is an entry port for drugs and criminals and probably even Islamic terrorists. The various governments of Mexico have been corrupt for hundreds of years and have done little to advance the living standards of the people. It is no wonder that the people pour over the border to what they feel will be a paradise compared to what they are leaving. Instead of spending millions of dollars hunting down illegal Mexicans, America would simply absorb Mexico and form a new state or two.

It would take a while to get the problems there under control, but it could be done. Once the lazy and uncaring government is removed and temporarily replaced with Americans that know what they are doing, Mexico could become a very productive addition to America. Since it seems that millions of Mexicans want to be Americans, then, perhaps we should consider just making them all American citizens. At first glance, this seems to be an absurd idea, but given time, it does seem to solve a lot the present problems.

On the American front, both major political parties are making a tragic mistake. The Democrats feel that they will have a huge voting block if they can pass a law that will make all illegal Mexicans American citizens fast enough. The Republicans, fearing a backlash from Latinos who are already citizens, seem paralyzed and unable to stop the flood of people across our southern border. Everyone agrees this flood is a problem, but no one seems willing to do much about it. In the process, both parties will suffer the wrath of non-Latino Americans for their inaction. Even Mexicans who abided by the law and came here legally are upset that those who ignored the laws are getting a free pass.

Most of the jobs illegal Mexicans do are farm worker jobs or housekeeping and babysitting jobs. Our economy will not “crash” if these illegal people are sent back to Mexico. We may pay more for fruits and vegetables and wealthy folks may have to pay more for nannies, but America will survive.

The reality of the situation is this: America cannot support Mexico anymore. The Mexican government does nothing to slow the steady stream of people crossing its border into America. In fact, it seems to encourage them. The Mexican economy counts on the money sent back to families from those working in America. It is time that Mexico stopped being a bad neighbor. If so many Mexicans want to be Americans, then we should make Mexico part of America. Let’s make Mexico the 51st state, and if we are in a good mood, maybe President Fox can remain as governor.

No, on second thought, Vicente Fox hasn’t done much as president of Mexico. It’s unlikely he would do any better as a governor. It’s best to start from scratch. After all, a new governor couldn’t tell his people to run to America if they are part of America and that seems to be all Vicente Fox knows how to do.