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Translated article from La Opinion (Mexican propaganda rag)
Sanctuary of protests
Impellers and detractors of the immigrants were in Maywood

Jazmín Ortega
27 of August of 2006

More than 70 people pertaining to the Minutemen Project and other organizations against illegal immigration proimmigrants faced approximately 200 demonstrators at a distance in front of the city council of Maywood.

They minutemen them appeared to protest that the municipality is sanctuary of undocumented immigrants, although the insults and the slogans were shouted while they remained separated by more than 20 elements of the police and by barriers on the Slauson avenue that came up that both parts approached the other.

The polarization of opinions not only was reflected in the true range of the protest and contraprotesta, but it was ***reflxed mng in his placards.

While they minutemen them denounced to the city “to help and to overlap criminal behavior”, the demonstrators who support to Maywood, many of them of antiwarlike grouping ANSWER, responded with shouts of “racists”.

But a supporter of minutemen them said that it was necessary to maintain the fulfillment of the law and to emigrate legally.

“We are the most decent country of the world. We give the welcome him to all world, but when it is begun to overlap the violation of the laws, where we put a stop to him? ”, Chelene Nightingale said. Her mother emigrated legally of Italy after waiting for long time, she assured, and she said to be worried about the future about the state.

“I do not believe that the economic necessity justifies violating the law”, Nightingale said.

Police elements of Maywood, with the aid of other corporations of South Gate, Bell and Los Angeles, maintained remote to the demonstrators with anti-riot barricades and prepared with equipment. Although arrested people or wounds did not register themselves, minutemen them accused their opponents to strike a woman, to whom they identified like Kelly, while the demonstrators immigrants denounced pushes to their those in favor from the police.

Who support the policies opened towards the immigrants of Maywood described the protest as the group antiimmigrant like a provocation.

“They dare to come here to Maywood that is a sanctuary, where the mayor declared itself against the racist laws, and come to say to us that we do not have to be here”, said Maria Sauza, resident of Los Angeles. “They think that they can say to him to people that is illegal, when it is a right of humans to look for a better life”, added.

While the demonstrators of the side of minutemen them observed from the other end of the barrier, several people raised a Mexican flag in the post of the post office, causing shouts and applause of the side of the immigrants and curses on the part of their opponents, who waved American flags.

“There the loyalty is seen that they have to him to this country”, John said, a member of minutemen them that he did not want to give his last name. “That that did is good, because it fortifies our cause”, it affirmed.