'Independence' Day? Only If Illegal Immigration Is Stopped
By: Chris Freind, The Bulletin

As the Fourth of July approaches, we will observe the typical festivities surrounding our Independence Day, from backyard barbecues to fireworks to ceremonies honoring those who fought for our freedoms.

Ironically, the very freedoms we take for granted are being eroded daily, not from outside invasion, but from within. Too many of our "leaders" are pushing a politically correct agenda that is nothing more than social engineering. Most abhorrent of all, they have no qualms about breaking the law - let alone enforcing it - to achieve their objectives.

The most blatant example occurred recently at the annual U.S. Conference of Mayors. The Mayors of powerhouse cities Los Angeles, Oakland and Seattle asked their colleagues from across the country to oppose workplace immigration raids, which are operations carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with the objective of identifying, arresting and ultimately deporting illegal immigrants, as well as holding companies accountable who employ illegal immigrants.

Their rationale? Local and regional economies will suffer and some companies will be forced to relocate.

So let's set the record straight on what their message actually is: Break the law when convenient, and put up a stink when law enforcement actually does its job. Is it any wonder why respect for authority is at an all-time low?

And how can any company cry foul with a straight face after a raid nets illegal invaders, since they are, by definition, breaking the law to make their bottom lines swell?

In February, ICE raided Micro Solutions Enterprises in Van Nuys, Calif., a company that recycles printer cartridges. Of the 700 plant workers, 138 suspected illegal immigrants were arrested.

But we are supposed to feel sorry for Micro Solutions since, according to its CFO as reported in USA Today, the company lost millions after the raid because of reduced productivity, fewer sales and customers, and increased shipping costs to make up for delays.

These companies fail to comprehend the fact that, if their productivity and operations are based on a workforce comprised of illegals, then they either need to hire legal employees or find a new line of work.

Hiring illegal immigrants to pad profits is not just unethical and immoral, it's also against the law, and the owners of these companies should be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. The freedom of every American depends on it.

The domino effect of illegal immigration touches us all. Schools are overcrowded, forcing massive tax increases. Health-care systems are overburdened, resulting in astronomical costs and hospitals shutting their doors. American worker's wages become depressed, and many lose their jobs altogether. Crime is rampant in the illegal immigrant community, resulting in a dysfunctional prison system that is releasing violent criminals onto the streets because almost one-third of prisoners are illegal. But perhaps most disturbing is that fact that lurking among the illegals could be, and in all likelihood are, terrorists seeking to wreak a devastating attack on Americans.

These mayors want the immigration enforcement to ignore "responsible employers" that contribute to economies, as their drafted resolution stipulated. But by lending even an ounce of credence to a proposal that eats away at the very core of American values, we further jeopardize the freedoms so many fought - and died - to provide.

But if nothing else, America has always been a land of hope and heroes. One such man is Danbury, Conn., Mayor Mark Boughton, who refused to participate in the meetings to restrict immigration raids. He believes something radically different than that of the pro-illegal mayors. He thinks that cities should actually help ICE enforce laws.

"To encourage ICE not to enforce the law is irresponsible and goes against good public policy."

Well said, Mr. Mayor. Hats off this Independence Day to a modern-day patriot.

Chris Freind can be reached at cf@thebulletin.us
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