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SB-60 Passes CA Legislature, Call Arnold & Demand VETO of SB-60 Today!

American Patrol posted 9.6.05


As someone who has lobbied, testified and worked over the past few years against the driver's license for illegal aliens bills, I am writing to ask you to call Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and demand that he veto "One Bill Gil" Cedillo's SB-60, the driver's license for illegal aliens bill, which was passed on Friday, September 2, 2005 by the California State Assembly.

It is shameful that California's Assembly Democrats would follow the State Senate and pass a bill, which clearly rewards illegal aliens for breaking US Immigration Laws. Have they not learned anything about unintended consequences when you look at what happens when you put driver's licenses into the hands of potential terrorists? Was the 9-11 Attack on America a figment of our imagination? NO, IT HAPPENED! Putting driver's licenses in the hands of illegal aliens, which includes terrorists entering America illegally will make it easier for America to be attacked again. Have we not learned anything since 9-11?

Let me add that for several years, "One Bill Gil" has stated how he feels that California highways would be safer if illegal aliens had driver's licenses and be insured. However, he introduced two bills earlier this year, SB-590, which would allow judges to waive penalties against illegal aliens for being uninsured, and SB-591, which would allow judges to waive penalties for vehicles driven by illegal aliens that are impounded. Talk about hypocrisy.

The fact is if you give a driver's license to illegal aliens, the very document that is our de-facto ID card, it creates more unintended consequences that weaken our national security. Also, it will further weaken law enforcement by making it harder still for agencies to do their job and provides yet one more form of resistance by a state to go against federal immigration laws. Everything intended by Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner's Real ID Act would be rendered meaningless in California if One Bill Gil Cedillo's SB-60 is signed into law by Arnold.

"One Bill Gil" Cedillo and the Assembly Democrats think because the eyes of the world are on the Gulf Coast States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama that they would be able to pass SB-60 under our noses, but that has not been the case. You can stop Cedillo and his cohorts today. Contact the Governor and demand SB-60 be VETOED via the contact info below!

Andy Ramirez, Chairman
Friends of the Border Patrol

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633
Red DotClick for Other Contact Info

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