It's also important to know what you're fighting against. Bible prophecy illuminates our cause as part of the battle against the future one world government.

Revelation 13 through 18 unveil Satan and his incarnate human form, the antichrist, as being the head of the future one world government. With its presently existing precursors, and founded upon a revived Roman Empire, this future OWG is the motivator for eliminating the U.S. as a world power, using these issues and numerous others:

1) eliminating national sovereignty, national identity, national language, and eliminating barriers to illegal aliens.

2) eradicating the moral backbone that empowers military strength.

3) eliminating the normal family of one man and one woman joined as husband and wife until parted by death, and annulling the family authority necessary to bring up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Eliminating the family structure makes possible the creation of clones for drones or spare body parts or expendable warriors, without the interference of meddling parents.

4) marginalizing Christians and Christianity, and eradicating the knowledge of God and His word and prayer from the public square.

5) crippling the U.S. economy with regulations and environmental restrictions, as in ANWR.

6) crippling the U.S. with an insurmountable burden of public debt, owed to (whom else) the international bankers behind both the OWG and the FRB.

7) handicapping the military at war with an adversarial team of backseat drivers and Monday morning quarterbacks called "the mainstream media" and their creation, "public opinion."

8 ) energizing an apostate church, occupying the shells of once-great movements, but now occupied with nullifying the authority of scripture, and with same-sex marriage, a priesthood riddled with homosexuals, practicing homosexual bishops, women usurping authority not authorized them by scripture, not to mention tangents such as Marxist liberation theology and prosperity theology, church growth feel-good positivism, and worship wars.

9) planned famines, enforced by eliminating DDT, the most effective agent against locusts in sub-Saharan Africa, locusts which are even spreading to South America.

10) hysteria over global warming (which originates in cyclical solar activity - remember "global cooling" only 31 years ago?), hysteria that focuses on soaking the west, particularly the U.S., while letting China, India, and other developing economies go free and do as they please.

I could go on and on about the ACLU and all the other groups that attempt to stick it to the United States and/or disinvite God from our noble planet. And then there is that cult of war, violence, torture, murder, and terror that masquerades as a religion.

But my point is, not just legitimizing illegal aliens but all of the above are activities of Satan, who will be incarnate in the antichrist, ruling over the future One World Government and its Luciferian minions, and presenting himself as God in the temple in Jerusalem.

People pooh-pooh the idea of a One World Government, consider talk of Luciferians madness, and can't even admit that a personal devil exists. I don't know how we can possibly win the war when we don't even recognize who the enemy is.

"We are not ignorant of his [Satan's] schemes." (2 Cor 2:11)