Do you remember seeing the movie called 'Dave' ?
It starred actor Kevin Kline, and actress Sigourney Weiver.

Dave Kovic is a small town guy who runs a small temp agency. He's a dead ringer "look-alike" for the President Bill Mitchell (also Kevin Kline), and he gets hired to pose for President Mitchell during his abscence.

Anyway, at the end of the movie (sorry to ruin it) Dave (Kevin Kline) makes a speech on the Congressional floor.
Partway through his speech he says, "And while we're on the subject, I want to apologize to the American People. You see, I was hired to do a job for you, and it was a temp job at best. You hired me to make things a little easier for you, and I didn't come through. I should be more worried about doing what is right and not what is popular, and I should care more about you than I do me."

I won't give you the rest of the movie (for those who haven't seen it).
Yes I know its Hollywood, but he portrays qualities our elected officials should have, and qualities that us as Americans need to vote for.

Its time to end the elitest canditates and elect in some 'common folk' or more 'down to earth' people.
People who believe that money and power are not important, and things like honor, courage, and virtue mean everything.
I know I'm playing towards a "utopia" ideal, but its a good one I have. Maybe not too practical, but a good one none the less.

One last thing, why is it that only the rich elites get elected? why can't a 'common everyday joe' run for President?
This I would love to see!