Hello all. Wanted to catch you up on my case. A tenitve trail date has been set for October 13,2007, as he has pled not guilty, meaning, we must sit through a trial of a monster,"a real man would have stopped" and his lawyer ordered a accident recreation??? What is there is re-create and how on this God's green earth can he afford all this?? So I am asking that if any of you live near the Tampa Bay area,would consider lending a few hrs of your time to help with protesting,handing out flyers, press, etc. PM me if you are available. Thanks to all of you, with a special one to Kate, Dixie, Faye and a few others that I believe have left us. Without you all, and the prez, Mr W., these past 7 months would have been even harder. I will keep you all posted as things progress. I have started a webpage for Joshua and Ronnie it's http:/home.comcast.net/~bren223. Hope you check it out and sign the guestbook. God Bless you and yours all. Hopefully, I'll have a better news next time. Brenda