Judge asked to loosen proof on voter citizenship

PHOENIX A federal judge is considering whether to order Arizona election officials to accept federal mail-in voter registration forms without requiring proof of citizenship as mandated under a 2004 state law approved by voters.

Numerous minority and activist groups sued to challenge provisions of Proposition 200 that require would-be voters to submit proof of citizenship when voting and proof of identity when casting ballots at polling places.

As part of the suit, the groups are asking that state and county officials be temporarily blocked from requiring that the federal registration form be accompanied by additional documentation of citizenship. The groups said the federal government has mandated use of the form as-is and that requiring additional documentation cripples drives to increase voter registration.

A lawyer for the state argued during a hearing today in federal court in Phoenix that the state is permitted to verify the eligibility of people registering to vote and that the policy debate over Proposition 200 is over.

U-S District Judge Roslyn Silver said she'll rule next week.
