I am not sure that most of this has not been posted in another article.

Homeland Security Nominee No Border Hawk, Critics Warn

Monday, December 01, 2008

By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

(CNSNews.com) – Far from being a border hawk, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano frequently blocked efforts to curb illegal immigration, say enforcement advocates concerned about her expected nomination to be the Homeland Security secretary under President Barack Obama.

In July 2007, Napolitano signed what she called the toughest employer sanctions law in the country. During her first term, she established a state task force to curb ID fraud. She was also the first governor to call for using the National Guard on the border, though she subsequently vetoed legislation to grant funding for more Arizona National Guard troops on the border.

But Napolitano opposes a border fence, supports expanding a controversial technology visa program and favors a “stringent pathway to citizenship.â€